...back in the late 1950's, there was an automotive "evaporative cooler" sold that clipped onto a rolled-up window like drive-in hamberger/soda trays did, and used a pull-string & coiled spring to rotate a 1-inch thick, 6-8 inch diameter, cylinder of aspen excelsior wood padding through a 3-4 inch puddle of water.
...it worked GREAT as long as: (1) you were moving at 30+ mph and (2) the ambient humidity was low.
...used NO engine power, not even electricity, but DID present a BIG airflow footprint. It was all metal and weighed a TON.
...I imagine today an all plastic unit would be VERY easy to build.
...for the house & home, just get a swamp cooler!
Last edited by gone-ot; 08-06-2009 at 10:42 PM..