View Full Version : OpenGauge / MPGuino FE computer

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  1. How to Power the MPGuino???
  2. Mitsubishi Eclipse turbo configuration, It Works Great!
  3. Honda Accord configuration
  4. Request: Concise article on the project
  5. newbie wanting to build mpguino
  6. Help with Audi Injector wire?(Not Audi specific?)
  7. high voltage injectors (HDi diesel)
  8. VSS Signal assistance?
  9. Injector lead question.
  10. speed on mpguino fluctuates
  11. Coding newbie.
  12. iDuino MPGuino
  13. Screenshots??
  14. how do i locate my speed sensor wire and injector wire?
  15. Unreal close numbers at fillup today
  16. 1997 saturn s-series DOHC calibration numbers
  17. tank / current mileage problem
  18. Suggestion for getting parts in Canada? (not @ ratshack)
  19. Some suggestions and notes on the MPGuino
  20. mpguino TDI feasability
  21. Metro Xfi configuration??
  22. VXers with calibrated MPGuinos?
  23. MPGuino reading MPG backwards? Helpsky?
  24. Need quick iduino help!
  25. Idea for a new thread...
  26. A Few MPGuino Questions
  27. Fun and/or Games
  28. DuinoStamp for small applications?
  29. Dead Buguino
  30. Got it in car, having trouble
  31. Freeduino V1 v V2?
  32. 2x16 LCD Display issues/discussion
  33. mpguino
  34. will this work with the java script DIY MPG?
  35. MPGuino Question
  36. Signal Generator
  37. OBD MPGuino gauge
  38. Open source PCB design
  39. small form factor guino
  40. How to support the "MPGuino" Project
  41. Just some quick info on Scangauge vs. MPGuino
  42. Need a tester?
  43. Chysler patent raises technical question about injector accuracy
  44. Questions about mpguino
  45. Arduino Nano
  46. This forum just got a lot more popular
  47. LinuxPC + FreeDiags + Freefall OBDII<->RS232
  48. MPGuino release one workspace
  49. Just goofing off with formatted serial output (ANSI)
  50. gunio checkpoint 4/25/08
  51. opengauge development: palm pilot technical issues
  52. opengauge development: vehicle interface circuits.
  53. opengauge development: Waba Rules :)
  54. opengauge development: gunio technical considerations
  55. Opengauge/MPGuino development: Freeduino signal processing
  56. Any interest in developing an open source fuel economy gauge/computer?