2008-07-01 130.7 5.5 $3.93 23.76 "All in-town, not really applying any fuel-saving techniques, just driving normally (not hard and not grandma-like), following speed limits, and only sometimes coasting to stops, never shutting off, running A/C when I need to not to sweat. I do take paths that require as few stops as possible, but it's as much to minimize shifting as it is to save fuel. Kinda going for a benchmark. Figured on 22 and got most of 24.


Traded in a superchaged Bonneville that was seeing 16.7mpg average in-town doing the same kind of driving."
2008-07-22 338.4 13.95 $3.89 24.26 "Using air when I need to, driving with the flow of traffic, taking it lightly when I can afford to. Filled up this time with BP. Seeing what's going to happen with this tank."
2008-08-16 405.7 15.4 $3.55 26.34 "75-80mph trip carrying a motorcycle half the time."
2008-09-29 277.5 11.55 $3.39 24.03 "Totally normal driving. Been to absent-minded to pay attention to driving habits lately. Very tired, sick, and busy.

Still love this truck. Thanks, Mazda, for making an engine/tranny combo that works in this truck. Well, at least for mileage.

It's a pig. Let's be honest. But, it's a pig that can move stuff VERY efficiently."
2008-10-24 385 15.15 $2.5 25.41 "3/4 of the tank was highway @ 65-70mph. No heat or air.

Love this damn truck."
2009-03-23 365 14.99 $1.99 24.35 "170 miles highway, the rest in-town, 50 miles of it pulling a 1000-lb trailer."