2008-07-22 312.7 9.828 $3.799 31.82 "Shell Station in Franklin, OH
Mileage mostly from driving the half hour back and forth to work."
2008-07-27 122 3.82 $3.659 31.94 "Miamisburg BP
106,732 miles on car"
2008-08-04 200.1 6.913 $3.499 28.95 "Speedway in Franklin, OH
106,932.0 Miles on car"
2008-08-14 294 9.245 $3.659 31.8 "Verity Fuel Station
107,226.0 Miles total on car"
2008-08-21 324.1 10.05 $3.599 32.25 "Speedway in Miamisburg, OH
Driving back and forth to Lexington, KY"
2008-08-22 307 9.364 $3.799 32.79 "BP in Vandalia, IL
Driving back to school."