2011-09-18 29.43 0.0203 $1.53 1449.75 "0.69 kwh at the charger
29.43 mi
lots of pedaling, riding with other cyclists at a social pace for about half of the miles.
34.02 kwh / gal conversion factor
$.045/kwh here in Seattle

29.43 watt hours per mile"
2011-09-19 31.7 0.035 905.71 ""
2011-09-20 27 0.0323 835.91 ""
2011-09-22 30.5 0.0339 899.71 ""
2011-09-27 38 0.0356 1067.42 ""
2011-09-28 33.4 0.0406 822.66 ""
2011-09-29 28 0.0375 746.67 ""
2011-10-02 22 0.0276 797.1 ""
2011-10-03 23.2 0.0329 705.17 ""
2011-10-04 30.7 0.0385 797.4 ""
2011-10-05 29.5 0.0388 760.31 ""
2011-10-10 29.7 0.0335 886.57 ""
2011-10-14 23 0.0364 631.87 "25A current limit, hitting the KV barrier & wasting a lot of energy as heat. Time to upgrade to 72V!"
2011-11-11 200.6 0.388 517.01 "Combined trips from 10/17 through 11/11. Odometer is up to 1267 now. Commuting by electric bike 4 days a week, and driving one day a week. 46 miles round trip, and sometimes I carpool in the morning.

The 72V upgrade has me going a little faster & pulling more watts.

I love not burning gas!"