2015-03-31 55 8.4 $2.2 6.55 "Drove it a little as is. Runs rich."
2015-06-20 82.5 9.76 $2.6 8.45 "Got the air fuel ratio where I wanted but developed a fuel leak.
Driving it like a normal person."
2015-06-20 72.1 6.16 $2.7 11.7 "Did a lot of EOC. But there was room for more.
Filled up as the same pump parked in the same spot pointed in the same direction as last time."
2015-06-29 87 6.82 $2.7 12.76 "Tried to EOC more and not floor it as much.
Same gas station, same pump, pointing the same direction.
No carb or timing adjustments since before that 11mpg tank."
2015-07-21 100 8.33 $2.5 12 "Same gas station, same pump, vehicle pointing the same direction.
I had one race against a tornado warning hail producing thunder storm I had to head off by getting to the high way before it did. Gas petal was on the floor and speedometer maxed out for about 5 miles.
The WOT and near WOT carb tune is good."
2015-07-27 107 6.7 $2.77 15.97 "Ran about 50 miles on the highway. A/F stayed around 16:1.
Lots of EOC as usual."
2015-08-11 126 9.78 $2.6 12.88 "Filled up at the same place.
EOC, no highway driving."
2015-08-24 147 12.5 $2.7 11.76 "Now if it is a cloudy morning its also dark. I don't want to try EOC with the head lights on. If I leave work later than normal its also dark. So I am doing more normal driving, less EOC.
MPGs reflect EOC good for getting more MPG, normal driving, eats up more fuel."
2015-09-01 93 7.11 $2.65 13.08 "Its getting dark earlier, doing a little less EOC."
2015-09-19 123.5 12.97 $2.4 9.52 "Been going to work before sun rise and leaving at or after dark and a weak battery has been keeping me from doing EOC with the headlights on.
New optima battery and LED headlights that use a lot less amps will allow me to EOC in the dark as much as I want."
2015-10-10 215 19.1 $2.35 11.26 "Less EOC due to lots of rain and fogging of the wind shield.
Pulling the P/S belt, belt driven radiator fan and putting in a new radiator for the next tank."
2015-10-15 59 4.75 $2.23 12.42 "Radiator fan and P/S pump drive belt pulled.
Now that the cooling system is staying full its taking longer to warm up."