2012-12-02 158 6.38 $2.94 24.76 ""
2012-12-14 280 10.878 $2.94 25.74 ""
2012-12-17 225 8.497 $2.9 26.48 "4oz MMO added to tank after fill"
2012-12-20 336 12.438 $2.9 27.01 "Added 4oz MMO"
2012-12-22 263 10.778 $3.16 24.4 "80% city driving"
2012-12-30 293 12.158 $2.7 24.1 "90% city"
2013-01-10 275 9.744 $3.69 28.22 "4oz MMO / 4oz TCW3 on this tank, 90% Highway. Filled with ethanol free, no additives for next tank."
2013-01-14 309 11.12 $3.14 27.79 "This tank was ethanol free regular unleaded, 70/30 hwy/cty no fuel additives."
2013-01-16 287 11.258 $3.7 25.49 "This tank was e10, no additives, 90/10 hwy/city, freezing rain (30-34F) through all trip portions. Filled with eFree for next tank, no additives."
2013-01-20 269 10.415 $3.2 25.83 ""
2013-01-26 321 12.312 $3.06 26.07 ""
2013-01-31 352 12.45 $3.2 28.27 ""
2013-02-04 341 12.824 $3.7 26.59 ""
2013-02-06 288 9.939 $3.7 28.98 "87oct, ethanol free this tank."
2013-02-13 326 11.82 $3.4 27.58 "This tank was on ethanol free gas. no marked improvement noted. will likely stick with blended fuels in the future."