Top Vehicles MPG (US)
Gasoline cars, last 90 days...
1.2024 Mitsubishi Mirage ES56.79
2.2005 Scion XA 56.36
3.2014 Mitsubishi Mirage ES (base)51.82
4.2006 Honda Civic EX51.58
5.2017 Honda Civic Lx43.58
6.1996 Mazda 323 Astina 1.8L Hatchback42.54
7.2007 Toyota Yaris 42.03
8.2011 Ford Fiesta S41.6
9.1991 Honda Civic DX40.31
10.2007 Toyota Yaris Base39.38
More top-10 MPG lists:
hybrids, diesels, trucks, motorcycles & more
Highest MPG for a non-hybrid: Mitsubishi Mirage
Best non-hybrid MPG: 2014 Mitsubishi Mirage?
Mitsubishi says its new Mirage subcompact will get the best MPG of any non-hybrid: 44 mpg (US) highway, 37 city. (Some drivers are already beating that in various economy driving contests.) How? An efficient 1.2L, 3-cylinder engine, very light weight and aerodynamic design.
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What is Ecomodding?
Welcome to, an automotive community where performance is judged by efficiency and economy rather than power and speed. EcoModders employ a combination of vehicle mods, driving techniques, and common sense to go as far as possible as inexpensively as possible. Reasons for becoming a member range from the economical to the ecological. More info about where EcoModding came from.
Top picks from the EcoModder forum and blog

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My 1991 Talon TSi Compound Turbo AWD My 1991 Talon TSi Compound Turbo AWD

It would almost be easier to list what hasn't been done engine wise to this car. Suffice to say that he gets mid 40 mpg with an auto, and is pretty darn fast. Check out this extensive build here.

Started by pgfpro in forum: EcoModding Central - 547 replies

Electric Assist Project: E-charger (2000 Subaru Outback)

Brucey adds a AC electric motor to the accessory belt of his engine to create a DIY PHEV Subaru Outback.

Started by brucey in forum: Hybrids - 321 replies
Electric Assist Project: E-charger (2000 Subaru Outback)

Buy a trailer (instead of a pickup truck) Buy a trailer (instead of a pickup truck)

This is a thread for anyone thinking about getting a pickup truck as a first or second vehicle when adding a trailer to your car would do instead (and save you lots of fuel & money).

Started by oil pan 4 in forum: General Efficiency Discussion - 1347 replies

Notable eco-cars (old & new) spotted in the wild: post your pics!

Check out interesting and rare eco-cars that people have stumbled across, and share findings of your own!

Started by MetroMPG in forum: General Efficiency Discussion - 1483 replies
Notable eco-cars (old & new) spotted in the wild: post your pics!

1946 Chevy Prius Truck 1946 Chevy Prius Truck

Watch how member Hoopie is integrating a 2001 Prius platform & drivetrain into a 1946 Chevy Truck, with the goal of making the changes invisible to the casual observer.

Started by Hoopie in forum: Hybrids - 292 replies

Electric car conversion: Project ForkenSwift

The ongoing story of a super cheap electric car conversion: a $175 Geo Metro combined with parts from a scrapped forklift and used golf cart batteries. This low cost, medium-speed, short range runabout has been on the road now for 6 years in a small Ontario city.

Started by MetroMPG in forum: Fossil Fuel Free - 1056 replies
Electric car conversion: Project ForkenSwift

t vago t vago's MPGuino workspace thread, continued

Check out t vago's continuous enhancement of the multi-featured MPGuino fuel economy computer / gauge.

Started by t vago in forum: OpenGauge / MPGuino FE computer - 203 replies

Boat tail project based on a single wheel trailer...

BamZipPow's epic customization & refinement of a single-wheel, drag-reducing trailer used on his already extensively aero-modified 1998 Toyota T-100 pickup. "Mileage is averaging around 27mpg with the trailer," he says, which he estimates is about a 2 MPG improvement.

Started by BamZipPow in forum: Aerodynamics - 1090 replies
Boat tail project based on a single wheel trailer...

How to properly test modifications (AKA: don How to properly test modifications (AKA: don't believe every MPG claim you read)

Here on EcoModder we see a lot of claims made about the effectiveness (or lack of effectiveness) of specific modifications. It's an understatement to say not all claims are made equal. It all depends on how rigorous the test is.

Started by MetroMPG in forum: EcoModding Central - 123 replies

You know you're an ecomodder if/when...

One of the more popular threads on EcoModder, this is a lighthearted and tongue-in-cheek look at the many potential signs and symptoms that you may be more interested in fuel economy than the average person...

Started by Tango Charlie in forum: The Lounge - 2496 replies
You know you

Why no more lean burn?? Why no more lean burn??

If the Honda Insight, Civic VX and HX were so good at achieving high mileage with lean burn, why is it not in all current Hondas and other economy cars? This thread looks at reasons for its demise & possible return in new cars.

Started by Mad Adder in forum: General Efficiency Discussion - 131 replies

CarBEN EV5 Full Sized Prototype Construction - 5 Seat Electric Car From Scratch

NeilBlanchard has begun the construction process to build the full-sized prototype of his aerodynamic 5-passenger electric car he's nicknamed "CarBEN EV5". The prototype is being assembled with rigid foam sheets cut on a CNC machine.

Started by NeilBlanchard in forum: DIY / How-to - 772 replies
CarBEN EV5 Full Sized Prototype Construction - 5 Seat Electric Car From Scratch

Aerodynamic streamline template - online tool (view streamlined extension on any car) Aerodynamic streamline template - online tool (view streamlined extension on any car)

Member seifrob made an online tool that overlays a streamlined template on an image of any vehicle to visualize the "ideal" extended low drag shape. Very useful for anyone considering building a drag-reducing Kamm back, full boat tail, box cavity, spoiler, etc.

Started by seifrob in forum: Aerodynamics - 188 replies

1997 Civic CX to HX engine/VX trans swap! 63 MPG @ 62 MPH

When his 1997 Civic CX engine needed a lot of work, turbovr41991 decided to spend his repair time doing something different: he picked up a rusty Civic HX and swapped over the more efficient lean burn engine instead, and went with the more efficient gearing of the Civic VX. With a few other modifications in place, the car is returning seriously impressive highway fuel economy.

Started by turbovr41991 in forum: EcoModding Central - 188 replies
1997 Civic CX to HX engine/VX trans swap! 63 MPG @ 62 MPH

Paul & Sabrina Paul & Sabrina's cheap DIY 144v motor controller

A thread and project of epic proportions where Paul designs a DIY 144V DC electric motor controller.

Started by MPaulHolmes in forum: Open ReVolt: open source DC motor controller - 7381 replies

Efficient, cheap beaters! Used car ads: 35 mpg highway or more for $1500 or less

People often sign up on the forum seeking advice on cheap, economical beaters. The purpose of this thread is to go beyond the hypothetical, and post actual ads of actual available cars. They're out there, people. (Our non-North American members should feel free to laugh at our concept of 'efficient' little cars.)

Started by MetroMPG in forum: For Sale - 1475 replies
Efficient, cheap beaters! Used car ads: 35 mpg highway or more for $1500 or less

What is it?  (Spotted: rear engine TDI, custom aero body) What is it? (Spotted: rear engine TDI, custom aero body)

Member rjacob spotted this custom bodied mystery eco-car on the road in Rochester, NY. It's got a TDI badge on the rear, and that's apparently where the engine resides as well.

Started by rjacob in forum: EcoModding Central - 200 replies

94 Caprice Wagon 5.7L project--46 MPG so far

A huge boat of a vehicle modded to get some crazy good mileage.

Started by funkhoss in forum: EcoModding Central - 152 replies
94 Caprice Wagon 5.7L project--46 MPG so far

Full-boat-tail trailer with gap-fillers for Toyota T-100 pickup Full-boat-tail trailer with gap-fillers for Toyota T-100 pickup

Phil says: "The boat hull is far from ideal but using it will save hundreds of man-hours. Maybe 40 mpg HWY... we'll see. P.S. the trailer is large enough to serve as a rigid tent, for car-camping."

Started by aerohead in forum: Aerodynamics - 358 replies

A better alternator delete

Started by Daox in forum: EcoModding Central - 148 replies
A better alternator delete

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Save fuel with a ScanGauge II fuel economy computer

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Chevrolet Aveo forum: discussion of the Chevy Aveo and its siblings (Pontiac Wave, Pontiac G3, Suzuki Swift+, Daewoo Kalos).

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