none cents or nonsence
disconnecting EVAP has zero effect on FE
(except for .... see below)
the ECM will use feedback from the 02 or AFR sensors to keep the
air / fuel ratio at 14.64 to 1 on most cars and where ever it wants it on the rest .
an EVAP system that is functioning as designed can not change this
if you disconnect the EVAP system the system will set a DTC for restricted flow and or incorrect vacuum supply to the LDP leak detection pump , assuming the system has a LDP , some do not .
the DTC will suspend some system testing . the CEL / MIL will remain ON until the system is repaired .
the car will leak HC emissions , which is bad , but wasted HC is wasted fuel that could have been used to move the car down the road so
disconnecting EVAP
will UN-improve fuel economy
to the OP...
you need not understand this for it to be true .
the EVAP can function at any time
at the pleasure of the ECM not just at start up
Last edited by mwebb; 05-21-2012 at 01:19 AM..
Reason: to the op