l just managed to get dash indicated 43 mpg on our weekend trip to Dollywood. That was nearly the same conditions as the 42 mpg run. Same station filled up and 60 miles of city driving before the highway run with whole family aboard. Clear 75-85 degree temps but with long deep local hills. DWL and pulsing AC and using AC to help with engine braking. That was 350 miles total and now I'm trying to hold on to that to finish out the tank on my commutes. Mazda notes that it uses 4-2-1 exhaust header to keep hot EGR from pulsing back into the engine as one strategy. Mazda used an Adkinson/Miller cycle engine 2.5 V6 in the Millinea about a decade ago. Using injected air at the last instance to achieve compression. Couldn't you vary the amount you inject to get VCR?
Last edited by kafer65; 08-18-2014 at 10:49 AM..