So finally made it to fuel light on in this for the first time..
672.1 miles, on 45.66L of fuel! that is 66.9MPG (imperial) or 55.7MPG US
1081.6km travelled before refuelling- nice to get a kilo tank on the first run. Also made #6 in the top 10 Diesel cars in the garage.
I refilled it with 15L of WVO (at 50p/Litre ($0.78/L)
and 30.66L of Derv (at 116.7p/L $1.82/L)
Total refuel cost was £43.28($67.40)
giving a cost per mile of 6.4p($0.10/mile)
Total Runtime to use the tank up
Average Speed
Matching Miles
Range Remaining
The trip computer seems to be 7.7% out
15L of WVO later
Fully Derved up