2019-08-30 466.03 12.42 37.52 ""
2019-10-06 385.25 10.04 38.37 ""
2019-10-14 299.5 8.98 33.35 "Normal driving, a few ""floor it"" accelerations"
2019-10-24 400.78 11.62 34.49 "Some trailer-towing and ignition problems now and then."
2019-11-03 398.92 11.1 35.94 "New spark plugs, old ones were wrong type. Also, starting to get cold days."
2019-11-13 324.98 10.17 31.95 "Lot of cold starts&short trips,driving on slushy dirt roads and a couple days lending the car to a friend.
Surprisingly good tank all things considered."
2019-11-23 323.11 9.51 33.98 "A lot of short trips, cold starts and engine misfiring/test runs when troubleshooting"