2008-07-08 205 17.4 $3.99 11.78 "Bad front left wheel bearing for whole trip, (fixed it myself an hour after refill) Wayy under inflated tires."
2008-10-16 285.8 17.16 $3.46 16.66 "normal driving, slight hypermilage here and there, a few high rpm romps"
2008-11-15 293 16.7 $2.99 17.54 "50psi in duals, 70 up front...didnt know for sure what to put the pressure at. There all at 80psi now. ALso, replaced wheel bearing and locking torque converter early."
2008-11-26 291 17.6 $2.53 16.53 "normal driving"
2008-11-26 297 14.1 $2.53 21.06 "highway miles"
2008-12-05 208 13.73 $2.47 15.15 ""
2009-03-15 235 13.5 $1.83 17.41 ""