2010-03-02 411.4 10.33 $2.63 39.83 "Commute to work and back ~48 miles each way.
Mainly hwy
Got to Draft Semi for major portions
Averaged between 60-65mph"
2010-03-08 396.3 9.449 $2.64 41.94 "Still Stock
Extreme hypermiling
Draftin Semis on the way to work
Brakes are the absolute enemy!
Taking turns way too fast."
2010-03-12 396.5 9.68 $2.759 40.96 "Away on a business trip,
Wife used my car, she did try to Hypermile, she wan not too bad."
2010-03-22 333.3 8.869 $2.78 37.58 "Wife still using car on this tank."
2010-03-26 377.7 10.04 $2.839 37.62 "Getting lazy with the driving. No drafting, increased average speed close to 70mph"
2010-03-29 340.4 8.772 38.81 ""
2010-04-06 346.1 9.608 $2.87 36.02 ""