2012-02-14 458.4 10.492 43.69 "Regular driving between work, home, and commuting to Sacramento once a day.
Tires @ 40psi"
2012-02-18 429.7 10.008 42.94 "Mix of city and highway. No changes in weather or vehicle. Some rain."
2012-02-23 440 10.4 42.31 "More city driving than usual, and more drivers using the car. Cold 30 degree morning starts, but warmish days."
2012-09-21 478.6 11.2 42.73 "Commute to work, little city driving."
2012-10-19 518.7 10.89 $4.479 47.63 "Best yet! Broke 500 miles on a single tank. Car is still stock."