2013-04-01 747 10.1 $3.8 73.96 "my first tank! pretty much stock. still learning the car"
2013-05-13 783 10 $4.2 78.3 "pretty much all commuting, and two 100 mile freeway trips where i got 85 to 90mpg! going about 50 to 55mph on the freeways. still mostly bone stock, 1/2 way thru the tank i removed the passenger mirror and made a smaller drivers mirror. going to install MIMA soon. i could have easily broke 800miles on this tank, likely 850miles and possibly more - i had 2 fuel bars left and the fuel warning light had not come on when i filled up. i dont think a 1000 mile tank without MIMA is possible with my 20mile commute. the longer freeway trips really help MPG"
2013-05-31 697 9.12 $3.62 76.43 "got a stereo installed now, but no MPG related mods since last tank. refilled with 3 or 4 bars left. a few shorter trips on this tank, as well as a couple 75mph with A/C on commutes home due to me having something scheduled almost directly after work, got about 60mph on those trips... so total tank MPG could have been/should have been a bit better. MIMA install coming in a couple weeks, as well as forced auto stop."
2013-07-07 312 3.5 $4.15 89.14 "MIMA and FAS installed!
shorter tank because MIMA was installed and I wanted to get an initial MPG reading. Took ~250 mile road trip and went 55 to 65mph; got around 88mpg! MIMA is great, having control of when it assists is HUGE. i'd still attribute the 88mpg more to being able to turn assist OFF when i want to. I could have got higher than 88mpg, but i spent a good amount of time on REGEN. I'd pretty confidently say that my freeway average mpg is around 90mpg at 60mph or so. I'm quite confident that I will be able to break 100mpg on my commute to work"
2013-08-28 817 10.2 $4.25 80.1 "Mixed tank. some highway, some freeway, very little commuting on this tank as it was summer vacation

I'm back to commuting to work now, and now i'm grid charging most every night. I've been able to get about 85 to 95mpg on my commute, and thats pretty much what i use the car for, so i'm expecting the next tank's MPG to be really impressive (likely 85+), considering it will be used largely for commuting now that school has started back up again.

also added front underbody aero, as well as rear underbody aero. so that might be helping a bit.

MIMA and FAS also installed, and a grid charger"
2013-09-13 885 10.3 85.92 "mostly commuting to work. charging every night with a dumb grid charger. I have not discharged/balanced the battery yet.

pretty happy with this MPG; I am be able to consistently break 85mpg on my commute, and fairly often I can get 90 to 95mpg. A few time I got 100mpg, mostly due to good luck with traffic lights.

too many hills, and I need to travel too fast (55mph to 60mph) for me to consistently break 100mpg for the overall commute. A few times I broke 100mpg on the way home *favorable direction*; but on the way to work its really hard to break past 85mpg.

Best commute home was 103mpg ..."
2013-10-06 814 9 $3.99 90.44 "Pretty much all commuting on this tank. charging every night. no mods since last fill up. This is my first above 90mpg tank!

Commute home I got above 100mpg a few times; and once got 113mpg!!!! INSANE!!! ...tho i was drafting a big bus for 1/2 the way..."
2013-10-24 877 10 $3.98 87.7 "mostly commuting this tank, a few longer trips where I had to keep 60mph and couldnt grid charge."
2013-11-10 750 8.55 $3.24 87.72 "mostly commuting on this tank, a few random trips around town, and one ~300 mile freeway trip where i was i a bit of a hurry and went 65mph, still got 80mpg on that trip tho!"
2013-12-07 750 9.9 $3.59 75.76 "mostly commuting, but a lot of around town, shorter trips that hurt mileage. getting *a lot* colder now (high of 55 degrees), and that is hurting MPG as well. started driving a bit ""faster"" as well, by that I mean 55 to 60mph instead of 50 to 55mph. i've come to terms that I'd rather get there a bit faster, and hold less other people up, and i'm willing to take the 5 to 8% loss of MPG to make that happen. still around 75 to 80mpg over the whole tank, which i'm very satisfied with."
2014-01-15 800 10.2 $3.65 78.43 "mostly commuting, but other random trips. going about 60mph on the freeways usually. Pretty typical tank while hypermiling, but not to the extreme."