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Scottman28 05-08-2014 11:20 AM

03 insight ima rebalance and questions
My dad has an 03 insight and the lights have been coming on and off for awhile now it wont assist or anything so i pulled the pack, and im working on the first 4 sticks
ill be using a hitech x4 plus charger to discharge/ charge the sticks 3 times and ill post results as I move along. im also working on my prius pack that i bought off ebay at the same time(one with 9k miles i bought on ebay, battery is from a 2012 prius v 9k miles, 10 other modules from a prius c 2012 at 7800 miles)

anyways, I got the junction board in his insight to bypass the ima and charge the 12v system, i think hos 12v batt is bad but i put it on a charger overnight to see what happens.

here are the settings on my charger.
peak cutoff: default
Charge: 2amp except on bank 2 because that one detects peak early so thats 1amp charge
discharge: 1 amp
mah cutoff: 7250
discharge voltage cutoff: 6.0v
discharge/charge cycles: 3

so we shall see what happens.
I dont know how old the ima battery is because the car was reconstructed before my dad bought it. I do see a serial number on each stick but dont know which letter or number tells you the date. there is also the white and blue sticker on the pack itself but i dont know if that tells you the year as well.
Ill probably start cycling sticks next week.

in the meantime, I know these packs are in series, does the insight battery computer see the sticks as pairs, or does it see the sticks individually?reason I ask is because If it sees them as pairs, I want to match the pairs by capacity as close as I can.

How does the insight system work, does it try to keep the sticks at a 60% state of charge or does it discharge completely and fully charge the sticks when its running.

and for the pack itself, where does the heat tend to build up so that way I can put the strongest sticks in that spot and the weaker ones in the cooler spot.
Also, he has a scangauge, are there any xgauge commands for it so we can see the voltages and sticks while the car is being used?

I ask these questions with hope of doing this right for my dad as he loves his car and for all the things hes done for me, i want to do this right for him.

Your help with this is greatly appreciated.

thank you,

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