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cinaroh 07-08-2008 02:41 PM

1990 Geo Metro Idle test
Several years ago- before the hybrids showed up I did at test on my Geo to see what MPG it clocked up in idle(yep like sitting at a stop light)...of course these days a Prius would be off.
My test did not have the benefit of a scangauge(which I now have)-but I filled the gas up to the top of the neck where I could see it was in the same spot, before and after the test.
Did you know that a Geo will go between 12-18 mph in 5th gear without lugging??And my 1990 did not have the advantage of electronic vacuum advance.
The test consisted of my riding my road bicycle route to Fort Christmas Florida and back- 28 miles.
Mpg was 99.4 Mpg.
Which could translate to 4 minutes at the light stopped equals 1 mile down the road.
Has anyone ever compared the exhaust pollution at idle to the travelling pollution??
My 1990 GEO is now retired, but I have a 3 cylinder 2000 Chev GEO 5 speed to replace weighs several hundred pound more, I hope to put it on a diet using the wonders of this website.
I appreciate your comments,
ps- my scangauge just showed up so it will be in my 2000 Geo shortly.

texanidiot25 07-08-2008 02:51 PM


Has anyone ever compared the exhaust pollution at idle to the travelling pollution??
When I was watching my car get it's sniffer test for the state inspection, idle air pollution was a fair amount less then at either of the two testing speeds on the rolling dyno they do here in TX. Idling at 600-700 rpm or so, vs. driving at 1700-2000 rpm for it's test speeds (I can't remember, but I want to say low speed test is at 15 mph, and high speed is 25 mph).

I don't have my state inspection sheet with me, it has all the polution data.


it weighs several hundred pound more, I hope to put it on a diet using the wonders of this website.
The old dragracer rule I once heard "Worry about the ounces, and you'll loose pounds", or something to that extent :)

Johnny Mullet 07-08-2008 10:15 PM

I "lug" my 3 cylinder around in 5th gear without hurting or pinging the engine all the time. I am usually in 5th gear at around 35 MPH when I am easy accelerating on my route to work. I also go the speed limit of 55 MPH at all times and my mileage I am getting from my 1998 is very impressive.

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