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MetroMPG 07-16-2008 10:54 PM

1999 Camry V6 automatic: 33 mpg (US)
Just a note on results of driving a Camry V6 last weekend:

EPA rating (new) is 17/25/20
Model 1 Vehicle Characteristics
  • 3.0L v6
  • automatic transmission
  • 4 adults on board
  • AC on
Route: some urban driving (say 8 km), followed by 35 km of rural highways (about 75 km/h average, 85 km/h max)

I managed 33 (US) mpg with route planning, driving with load, neutral coasting, driving without brakes, and some engine off coasting (not much - unassisted steering is very heavy in this car).

Someone else drove the return trip (no urban stuff on the other end, and downhill) and got 28 mpg (US).

Ferr3t 02-25-2009 11:05 AM

Interesting, shows what a difference you can make with simply adjusting your driving. I've been trying to get an idea of what I might be able to do with my car, considering I have an auto trans. and a v6, this sort of gives me an idea of what can be done. Thanks Metro.

taco 02-25-2009 11:15 AM

I use to have a lexus es300 with the 3.0 1mz. At 80 mph it could get 30 mpg all day long

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