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astra74 10-15-2011 01:58 PM

Another fuel saver, i hope...
Hello everybody!

I'm from Portugal, i'm a mechanical engineer and i drive a opel astra 1.3 cdti caravan (2006). I started keeping a record on an excel spreadsheet of my mpg about 10 years ago. So far i haven't made any mods to the car (except for a 0.4 bar increase in tire pressure). I'm planning on putting rear wheels deflectors and maybe a grill block one of this days. I have a scangauge on my other car (opel corsa 1.3 cdti (2005) because it didn't had a board computer.

My best regards


euromodder 10-17-2011 12:34 PM

Welcome to ecomodder :)


Originally Posted by astra74 (Post 265685)
I'm planning on putting rear wheels deflectors and maybe a grill block one of this days.

The grille block will be more effective.

If you block it from the inside, hardly anyone will see it.
Keep an eye on the coolant temperature with a grille block - you could swap over the ScanGauge for a while. The built in temperature gauge is very crude in most cars.

astra74 10-17-2011 12:47 PM

My opel astra doesn't even have that crude built in temperature gauge. I don't want to swap the scangauge because it took me some time to conceal the cable and i don't want to do it again. I'm thinking that if i can find some adequate software, maybe i'll buy a cheap OBD to usb cable online and use a small netbook that i have available. Thank's for the tips.

TXwaterdog 10-19-2011 09:55 PM

astra74 welcome to the forum. I'm interested in seeing your years of data compared with your upcoming mods. I bet you have a solid baseline on that beast to compare with. As long as your driving habits don't change in addition the mods should be a great comparison. I'll keep an eye out for your post.

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