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meanjoe75fan 08-29-2010 07:02 PM

Back again with a new vehicle
Hello, it's been a while since I posted!

From the last time, I had a '98 Ford Contour (the "Grey Oval"). Alas, she's kicked the bucket. Since I'm now picking up jobs as a handyman/yardwork guy/scrap hauler, I bought an '88 Dodge Dakota 4WD to facilitate that.

I kinda figured it'd be pointless to hypermile a pickup...until I realized that I could realize GREATER fiscal gains from a given % improvement in FE than a gas-sipper could.

I've been getting 18MPG in my truck (EPA combined 15), driving with load a fair amount, and little HWY driving (borrow mom's Fusion hybrid as often as possible for trips). I don't think that's too shabby for a +200K mi work truck!

I want to look into +FE mods that don't substantively impair using it as a work truck.

I'm also looking for advice on building a electric bicycle around a treadmill motor. (Specifically, I need to find a "pulley" that fits on a 5/8" "keyed" drive shaft that will accomodate a bicycle freewheel).

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