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bethomas463 12-08-2011 03:48 PM

beating the cold weather and winter gas?
So as most people in the great (not white yet) north know, cold temperatures and winter gas kill mileage. i have a 2009 honda civic ex coupe with the 5spd manual transmission. my drive is 42 miles each way - about 35 miles of which is highway. in the summer i average 39-41 mpg, but in the winter i average 36-37. Losing that mileage stinks. I have installed a partial upper and lower grill block this year. I however don't want to go to he pain of a block heater.

Any other tips or mods i could do to help me out in the winter?


Daox 12-08-2011 03:55 PM

The pain of installation or use? Really thats your best next modification besides more aeromods... You could go the route of making yourself a prius-like coolant thermos or something, but a block heater is easier.

UFO 12-08-2011 04:23 PM

I installed a coolant heater in my TDI as it has no provision for a block heater. Easy install, just mount it in the engine compartment and shunt a heater hose through it.

It's so nice to start and drive with instant heat and relatively efficient fuel use.

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