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mimsmetro 05-07-2008 05:32 PM

Boy hit by a prius says he couldnt hear it

I can understand the concept in regards to blind people, but people need to look both ways before crossing the street. Most newer cars are just as quiet.

Peakster 05-07-2008 07:01 PM

You know, I'm not against the idea of the cars emitting some sort of sound while in 'silent mode'. Even bicycles tend to have that clicking sound to them while moving and a cute little bell is a big help too.

But you're right, most newer cars are just as quiet.

Red 05-07-2008 07:08 PM

In that situation, most kids are just plain dumb. Whether that had been a Prius or a Chevy running duals the kid would have still been hit. On top of that, anyone who has been around a Prius or a Highlander in EV mode has heard the charatistic buzz/whine that those cars produce when rolling around. Those cars make pleanty of noise IMO.

DifferentPointofView 05-07-2008 07:09 PM

Well the sucky part is is that even if the person is J-walking the driver is ALWAYS still at fault :(

DifferentPointofView 05-07-2008 07:11 PM


Those cars make pleanty of noise IMO.
It's a lot harder to hear out side of the car and around a corner or something it could be inaudible. I know that on cobblestone it sounds like an earthquake is going on inside of the car, but outside you just hear a faint hum of the tires. I've been around prius's driving in a parking lot, and sometimes I wonder if someone is pushing it Flintstones style.

Red 05-07-2008 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by DifferentPointofView (Post 24073)
It's a lot harder to hear out side of the car and around a corner or something it could be inaudible. I know that on cobblestone it sounds like an earthquake is going on inside of the car, but outside you just hear a faint hum of the tires. I've been around prius's driving in a parking lot, and sometimes I wonder if someone is pushing it Flintstones style.

Really? I've always been able to tell whether one was in EV or not from about 50ft or so away. Catch is its usually in a low trafic situation.

DifferentPointofView 05-07-2008 07:25 PM

Might just be my hearing :D I'm in a band and play concerts right in front of my bass amp, and I've got a 2400 (1200RMS) watt stereo system in my jeep as well :thumbup:

Peakster 05-07-2008 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by DifferentPointofView (Post 24070)
Well the sucky part is is that even if the person is J-walking the driver is ALWAYS still at fault :(

The kid was on a bike though, and the parents don't blame the driver.

DifferentPointofView 05-07-2008 07:30 PM

still doesn't matter on a bike. I know... I had a 30 minute argument in class about it. The driver is always at fault legally, but the person that gets hit decides whether or not to press charges. If not the driver gets lucky.

Peakster 05-07-2008 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by DifferentPointofView (Post 24081)
still doesn't matter on a bike. I know... I had a 30 minute argument in class about it. The driver is always at fault legally, but the person that gets hit decides whether or not to press charges. If not the driver gets lucky.

That's so weird. You mean the cyclist could go through a red light, get creamed and the driver going through the green is at fault?? :confused: That's a pretty ridiculous loophole if it's true.

DifferentPointofView 05-07-2008 07:53 PM

I'm pretty sure, because since bikes don't have insurance, if you hit him, it's going to be YOUR insurance that covers everything. Regardless of who did it. I tried that method. I asked if the person did something illegal and I accidentally hit him if it would be his fault but nope. The teacher whom I argued with had a story about her relative creaming an old lady while it was foggy and she was illegally on the street but he hit her and killed her and got charged for killing someone. He's apparently been Mentally not-ok ever since.

Peakster 05-07-2008 07:56 PM

Holy crap, that is pretty scary.

You know, I should call my local insurance company and find out directly from them.

EDIT: I just called the insurance branch and even they don't even know! I'll have to call an insurance claims adjuster tomorrow to get a straight answer.

tasdrouille 05-07-2008 08:53 PM

In Quebec we have what we call the "no fault", literally. So if you get hit you can't sue no matter what. It has its advantages, as you can't loose everything because of a simple honest accident, or some dumbtard that did something illegal. On the other hand the government will provide for your well being if you got hit, but it's marginal and you're almost sure to be worst off financially than if you would have avoided the accident.

But this applies to what happen on the road only.

If a thief breaks into your house and fall, breaking his ankle, he can sue you.

SVOboy 05-08-2008 01:40 AM

I actually almost walked out in front of an insight the other day. I wouldn't say that normal cars are "just as quiet." :p

LostCause 05-08-2008 01:40 AM

The fact that a Harley buzzes up and down my street at 3am makes me believe silent is the way to go. Total efficiency would be the absence of sound. Not only does the Prius directly pollute the air less as it drives, it emits less sound pollution.

Imagine how much quieter and pleasant life could be in a populated area if all cars were silent. If all outdoor lighting (e.g. street lights, porch lights, etc.) could be removed and cars made silent, the quality of suburban life would shoot up immensely.

- LostCause

hvatum 05-08-2008 11:59 AM

I wouldn't be against it if the Prius made a bit more noise. Of course, it would be better if people would just look both ways and Prius owners didn't drive in heavy fog, but we are talking about human beings. Even intelligent people can sometimes be absent minded and do silly things. It would use almost no energy to make some part a bit more noisy at low speeds, and probably save a few injuries every year.

Red 05-08-2008 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by SVOboy (Post 24175)
I actually almost walked out in front of an insight the other day. I wouldn't say that normal cars are "just as quiet." :p

Stock Insights don't have an EV mode. Although the gerbils are pretty quiet.

SVOboy 05-08-2008 06:58 PM

I didn't think they did, mehbe she was EOCing...the thing sure wasn't making any engine noise when it came around the corner of my building. :p

thebrad 05-08-2008 07:14 PM

I'm sorry but that is just so terribly moronic, the clip just epitomizes "slow news day".

DifferentPointofView 05-08-2008 10:25 PM


Total efficiency would be the absence of sound.
Well... My subwoofers aren't very efficient then!!! :D

Maybe while in EV mode, they could have a speaker that dings or something like when your door is open. except not as fast and annoying. or play music.

SVOboy 05-08-2008 10:25 PM

Just had this conversation with a friend on AIM:


i drove a matrix yesterday.

Ben Jones
How was it?

not bad
its a lot nicer than the priuses i usually get

Ben Jones
What's wrong with prii?

but it also costs more
i just dont like them
they get great gas mileage, considering how ****ty it is to drive in philly
but it just feels strange to drive one
maybe i just need to get used to it
i also dont like that you cant relaly see through the rear window

Ben Jones

and its so quiet that pedestrians dont even hear me coming

Lazarus 05-08-2008 11:16 PM

Slow speed operations in congested areas is a problem. In parking lots folks just never hear you. If you turn the AC on the fan is really loud and people will hear that and turn around but you really need to be carefull.

RH77 05-08-2008 11:23 PM

For one thing, the street looked pretty straight and clear.

I think the punk was listening to that rack system in the video at quite the volume. What happened to looking around?

News hype.

Yeah, I'm a bit harsh today.

Lazarus 05-08-2008 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by RH77 (Post 24422)
For one thing, the street looked pretty straight and clear.

I think the punk was listening to that rack system in the video at quite the volume. What happened to looking around?

News hype.

Yeah, I'm a bit harsh today.

Well I don't think it would of made a difference if it was a train or a golf cart in the case of the slow news days but there is a problem with the lack of noise when driving in crowed conditions, at least with the Prius.

thebrad 05-08-2008 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Lazarus (Post 24427)
Well I don't think it would of made a difference if it was a train or a golf cart in the case of the slow news days but there is a problem with the lack of noise when driving in crowed conditions, at least with the Prius.

I really don't think it's an issue, people just need to be more aware.
I think a bigger deal should be made over was the kid wearing a helmet. :o

DifferentPointofView 05-10-2008 02:55 AM

^ exactly

jeremy128 05-10-2008 08:45 AM

Maybe cars like the prius could have a frontal proximity alarm when moving. That way it would be quiet except for when someone is walking out in front of it.

DifferentPointofView 05-10-2008 12:23 PM

except it'd be hell if your trying to park, and there's a car parked in the spot in front of you.

greenwar 07-20-2008 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by DifferentPointofView (Post 24730)
except it'd be hell if your trying to park, and there's a car parked in the spot in front of you.

Umm, where is the age old rule that "before you cross the road or get on the road look on both sides?"

Regardless of how quiet it is, you should be able to see it! Do you not see parked cars?

Now if the X (where X is a car ex. prius/corvette without muffler/truck with cherry bomb) is almost silent and driving at 50-70mph then may be it will be hard for you to see it coming even if you have looked on both sides of the road.

twolostminds 07-20-2008 04:07 PM

Being someone who was once in an accident while riding a bike, I can tell you that in NJ the car drivers and my parents home owners insurance were involved. I was riding down the road with the "right of way" when a car made a left turn into a parking lot entrance and had to stop right in front of me. I broadsided the car totaling my bike and doing a bit of damage to their door and fender.

Peakster 07-20-2008 04:25 PM

How come the driver's insurance didn't cover the damage, since you had the right of way?

getnpsi 07-20-2008 04:58 PM

I blame anti-lock brakes. :rolleyes: When i was a kid you could tell if you were going to die or just get a nasty bump by how hard the rubber was screeching before impact.

azraelswrd 07-20-2008 05:05 PM

So one solution could be for drivers with EV modes to roll down their windows and pump up the music if they're in congested peddie-heavy areas like parking lots. What's next -- someone busts out the clothespin and deck of cars?

Tony Raine 07-20-2008 06:42 PM

just throw a set of these tires on, you'll be heard for about a half mile at any speed, haha.

twolostminds 07-20-2008 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Peakster (Post 45836)
How come the driver's insurance didn't cover the damage, since you had the right of way?

NJ..not only the land of high auto insurance and pollution but the "no fault" state as well. Ended up getting half my bicycles cost from their auto insurance and nothing from the home owners insurance because we had a 500.00 deductable.

whitevette 07-21-2008 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by tasdrouille (Post 24093)
In Quebec we have what we call the "no fault", literally. So if you get hit you can't sue no matter what. It has its advantages, as you can't loose everything because of a simple honest accident, or some dumbtard that did something illegal. On the other hand the government will provide for your well being if you got hit, but it's marginal and you're almost sure to be worst off financially than if you would have avoided the accident.

But this applies to what happen on the road only.

If a thief breaks into your house and fall, breaking his ankle, he can sue you.
Regarding the thief in the house, breaking his ankle ... "dead men tell no tales"!

"No fault" was brought up in our glorious stare legislature (NC) once...but with all the lawyers present ( the reps), guess what bill got nowhere??? Shazam!

greenitup 07-21-2008 08:02 PM

sounds like a nice way and excuse to sue somebody for a lot of money.
it will also give people against electric cars (oil companies) lots to talk about.

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