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Xhifer 02-28-2012 01:10 PM

Is a Civic HX considered a "Fuel Efficient Vehicle?" (for preferred parking spots)
Well, I have a 98 civic hx and there's "fuel efficient vehicle" parking spots at my local college. I only see hybrids park there. I called the college but no one including the campus police knows. I now park there because the police doesn't cite. I suppose my question is: where there is fuel efficient parking, does the hx qualify to park in those spots?

UFO 02-28-2012 02:07 PM

I'd say averaging 38mpg qualifies you for FEV spots.

PaleMelanesian 02-28-2012 02:24 PM

Maybe you should put on a sticker that says "EPA 30/39 mpg" to be sure.

MetroMPG 02-28-2012 02:36 PM

Who defines what efficiency level qualifies? Couldn't they tell you?

I've heard of a few examples of efficiency-related parking perks before, like Salt Lake City, where 50 mpg (EPA city rating) was the threshold.

From Feb, 2006:


This week Salt Lake City added itself to a growing list of U.S. cities that reward residents for choosing "green" cars. The reward? Free parking at city meters.

To qualify for the exemption, the vehicle must achieve over 50 mpg (US) according to its official EPA city rating. According to the city's web site, only three vehicles made since 1994 currently qualify: the fuel-sipping '94 Geo Metro XFi model being one of them.

(Care to guess the other two?)

An external news report also indicates that alternate fuel vehicles (and presumably electric cars) qualify as well.
Source: MetroMPG miscellany -

UFO 02-28-2012 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG (Post 289848)
Who defines what efficiency level qualifies? Couldn't they tell you?

I've heard of a few examples of efficiency-related parking perks before, like Salt Lake City, where 50 mpg (EPA city rating) was the threshold.

Yeah, here we go, that's why I got this sticker (upper left)....

FXSTi 02-28-2012 08:02 PM

My community college had a couple premium spots reserved for fuel efficient and low emission vehicles. I would park my '06 F-150 ther on the basis that it had low emissions compared to a 30 year car. Never got ticketed, then again we had no campus police, and I'm sure the signs were put up with absolutely no thought.


cfg83 02-28-2012 11:57 PM

Xhifer -

I would guess no. The HF rocks, but it never got diamond lane status, so it never got special legislation the way hybrids, NGVs, or electrics did.


Xhifer 02-29-2012 12:15 AM

I'll get a sticker saying 40mpg then lol

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