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BHarvey 02-09-2012 06:42 PM

Cooling efficiency
My car has a good deal of space between the grill (upper/lower) and the radiator and I was thinking that could lead to the air stalling and generally not doing as good of a job in terms of air flow vs. cooling efficiency.

I am thinking of building a duct system for the lower opening first to keep make what air flow it does have work better for cooling. With more efficient use of the flow it would seem you could run an even smaller opening....

What say ye?

Frank Lee 02-09-2012 06:52 PM

Couldn't hurt.

Daox 02-09-2012 06:56 PM

The Prius does this. All air that goes through the grills goes through the radiator.

Peter7307 02-10-2012 12:04 AM

Sounds like a plan.
Post what you do / change / find if you would.

Thanks , Peter.

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