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newtonsfirstlaw 12-24-2007 08:25 AM

DIY Rubber Front Wheel Skirts
5 Attachment(s)
I just finished the front skirts a couple hours ago. It took four hours. The first one took 2.5 hours, the last took 1.5 hours.

My main motivations for doing it this way:
1) Ease of construction - I know how to cut aluminium (shears), use a drill (to drill steel car body, you should spray some lubricant such as wd-40 on the drill bit before and sometimes during use) use a screwdriver, and cut rubber with boxcutters. Nothing fancy and you don't have to take the wheels off the car.

2) I was dubious about the elasticity of the rubber when faced with a wheel turning at full lock, either direction. For that reason, I wanted the rubber to be as long as possible, so the amount of stretch was minimized. Two reasons for this, one that the longer the rubber is, the less it will have to stretch per length of rubber. The other reason is that for small angles, sin ~= tan, i.e. adjacent side ~= hypotenuse, when the adjacent side is large wrt opposite side, the adjacent side is roughly the same as the hypotenuse, meaning that the rubber will hardly need to stretch.

3) I didn't want the rubber rubbing at all during highway speed, so I estimated the maximum angle of the steering wheel from center position I'd steer at on the highway, and doubled it (basically 180 degrees from center position of the steering wheel). That's what the aluminium is for, to push the rubber out.

4) I could either put the rubber on the inside or the outside of the aluminium. I decided to put it on the outside, figuring that the ugliness of all the washers and screws would be counterbalanced by not having the aluminium visible. Note that the aluminium has a nice smooth curve where it could rub on the rubber, to minimize abrasion. If I put it on the underside, I'd have to curve the metal slightly outwards, which would be ugly aerodynamically and aesthetically.

I figure that the increase in frontal area will be counterbalanced by the fact that the the rear is curved in a shallow way. The front also is a smooth continuation of the front bumper until parallel with the side of the car. Although of course I'd anticipate a reduction in Cd, even using the old frontal area figure, because air is not being sprayed out to the front and side in a turbulent fashion.

I will test drive it tomorrow some time hopefully. I tried it with one side, it seemed to work ok both at speed and cornering at low speed.

Basic steps involved:
1. Make a cardboard/card template for the front and the back. (figure out ahead of time where you will screw it in (should be screwed in both sides for rigidity). Should flare out more at the bottom, very little at the top. Size it by estimating how big it needs to clear the wheel at highway type turns + safety factor.
2. Trace onto aluminium sheet (0.6mm is what I used, that's fine).
3. Attach strip weather seal to aluminium where it contacts metal. Chances are you will scratch the paint a bit anyway, this minimizes scratching over time.
3. Drill holes then screw in to attach.
4. Stretch pond sheet rubber (or inner tube rubber) over the frame you have made up, duct tape in place.
5. Drill, screw in screws (you will need washers so that the rubber doesn't tear).
6. Cut rubber with box cutters, be careful not to cut the paint.
7. Take for a test drive.

Lazarus 12-24-2007 09:49 AM

Very nice job. Can't wait to see some FE numbers. What do you think you will end up with about 3% increase?:turtle:

MetroMPG 12-24-2007 10:26 AM

Cool beans. I admire your "Just do it-" ness.

Looking forward to your driving impressions. Any plans for a coastdown A-B-A?

(Let's also hope some "regular" car forum types pick up on this so we can enjoy the apoplexy! ;))

SVOboy 12-24-2007 12:01 PM

:thumbup: Planning on a coast down test?

newtonsfirstlaw 12-25-2007 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by Lazarus (Post 2994)
Very nice job.

Thanks! To you, and everyone else who commented.


Can't wait to see some FE numbers.
Me too. Won't be happening for a couple weeks (time off for Christmas), so no commuting. As it is, it takes 6+ business days to empty a tank, where it used to take 4 or less. :D

What do you think you will end up with about 3% increase?:turtle:
Good question.

Let's talk about drag coefficient first. If we use the figures from the original Volvo paper, which basically formed the impetus for DIY aero FE modifications in the last couple years, drag contributed by the front wheels is 13.1%. Of what? Since the best case drag coefficient for close to the ground cars is around 0.11, and the drag contributed by the "exterior" is 31.7%, I'm estimating that the car they started out with had a Cd of 0.35. It seems a fair assumption, giving that cars are often around that - mine is 0.37.

13.1% of 0.35 is 0.0455.

Whether we can eliminate all that is questionable. I'm going to shoot for 10%, or 0.035.

If I did the coast down test properly, my drag coefficient was 0.26 (rounded up). My new Cd should be somewhere in the area of 0.26 - 0.035 = 0.225.

That's a 14% improvement, significant to my eyes.

On the highway (i.e. where I don't have to stop), I will see almost all of that gain, because I pulse and glide (proper glide most of the time) and air resistance is the dominant form of load. Where there are unavoidable stops, I will see less of that gain, because drag coefficient does not help with storing kinetic energy that is shunted into brake pads.

I'm estimating on my commute I will be 5% better off for having done this.

newtonsfirstlaw 12-25-2007 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG (Post 2997)
Cool beans. I admire your "Just do it-" ness.

Thanks! The thing is, I've had the materials lying around for at least 2 months... I COULD have done it earlier. I wasn't sure exactly how to do it though as I tossed things around in my head, and kept putting off going to the hardware store to get the washers and screws.

Looking forward to your driving impressions.
So do I. They do increase the looks your car gets, I can tell you that now, just from the one test drive I had with one side done.

The turns aren't very noticeable resistance wise, no noise from them rubbing. I think having one side only made some oscillations that made the undertray more noisy. Will have to try with them both like that.

Any plans for a coastdown A-B-A?
I had a feeling you'd say that. I'll do another coastdown test, but I don't have the motivation to unscrew everything and screw it on again as an ABA test requires. That's something I'll do if/when I go into commercial modification manufacturing. At this point, it's basically a proof of concept that the sum of my vehicle modifications provide a tangible benefit to drag coefficient. And a cheaper way to get to work. And the feeling that I'm not wearing out my poor engine wasting fuel just to push air out of the way for nothing (other than to look like every other lemming out there driving a car standard as produced by a factory). And the knowledge that I've taken a $3500 AUD car and achieved a better Cd and CdA than pretty much any modern production car, with about $200 worth of materials.

newtonsfirstlaw 12-25-2007 06:29 AM

Well, I just went out and the Christmas traffic on the roads was too much to do a coast down test. I also forgot to pump up my tires before I went out. The other ones are probably ok, but there is one tire with a screw embedded in it that loses 20 psi in a week, and that certainly affects my gliding. It has been a week since I've inflated my tires.

I picked up some rubbing, and that was one of the aluminium fairings rubbing on the wheels. Other than that, no marked abrasions, turns well.

I'm undecided about the under car wobbling, whether it is increased or not. The undertray just does that sometimes. It does seem somewhat quieter though.

Maybe I'm imagining it, but it does seem to glide a little better.

I really need an altimeter so that I can find a good area to do coast down tests. My local highway really isn't the best.

I'm also a bit annoyed, since I'm ruining what has been a really good tank of fuel. I've already gotten 600km out of it. Oh well.

newtonsfirstlaw 12-25-2007 07:25 PM

I've just been thinking about the effect of altitude on coast down tests.

Consider that the gravitational potential energy = mgh, therefore with only 1 metre of elevation (not noticeable when evaluating an area for altitude), the GPE = 9.8 m, where m is total mass of car. (All units of energy are Joules)

The kinetic energy at 100kph is E = .5mv^2 = 385m. The KE at 90kph is 312m. So the difference is 53m. Just a 1 metre difference in altitude between start and finish is enough to throw your results off by 18.5%.

That's not even counting the effect that headwinds or tailwinds will have on your results, which will be significant. Maybe the terminal velocity on a known hill would be a better test? At least that way you take the altitude out of the equation, athough you will of course need a dumpy level to calculate your CdA.

I'm coming to the conclusion that to measure automobile CdA properly, the minimum tools required are at least a dumpy level or highly accurate altimeter.

MetroMPG 12-25-2007 08:25 PM

If you're trying to actually measure/calculate CD or CDA, it's important.

But if all you want to do is determine if a mod is effective or not, having a flat road or access to altimeter info isn't critical - the relative differences in the coasting times will do.

I realize you're after hard data - just pointing it out for others who may only be going after improvements.

newtonsfirstlaw 12-30-2007 12:44 AM

Update: Just did some more coast down testing and a couple hours worth of driving.

I guess I'll cut to the chase - using an average of all my figures, taking into account that I was going into a 13kph headwind (as measured by the bureau of meteorology), I get a drag coefficient of 0.19. (I was on the way home). I will probably need to do more testing, but I'll probably be conservative and say that it should at most have a drag coefficient of 0.24.

Regardless, that is definitely an improvement. The lower road noise is noticeable, and coasting seems more effortless than it was. Probably the acid test will be when I do some terminal velocity glides down some hills on my commute - typically I see 80-85kph going down them.

Someone yelled out "What's the go with the car, mate!?" at a set of traffic lights. I said (before doing the testing) "The drag coefficient is about 0.22". He probably didn't know what I meant. I guess I should have said "fuel economy!". Oh well.

I still have had no issues with rubbing.

And I think my solution to the front of the rubber/car join will be industrial strength UV proof clear tape.

MetroMPG 12-30-2007 03:39 PM

"What's the go with the car, mate?" Haven't heard that phrasing before.

Should have told him you're building a submarine. ;)

bestmapman 12-31-2007 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG (Post 3485)
"What's the go with the car, mate?" Haven't heard that phrasing before.

Should have told him you're building a submarine. ;)

Should have said, "It is radar reflecting material. The cops radar guns bounce off it."

SVOboy 12-31-2007 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by newtonsfirstlaw (Post 3458)
Update: Just did some more coast down testing and a couple hours worth of driving.

I guess I'll cut to the chase - using an average of all my figures, taking into account that I was going into a 13kph headwind (as measured by the bureau of meteorology), I get a drag coefficient of 0.19. (I was on the way home). I will probably need to do more testing, but I'll probably be conservative and say that it should at most have a drag coefficient of 0.24.

Regardless, that is definitely an improvement. The lower road noise is noticeable, and coasting seems more effortless than it was. Probably the acid test will be when I do some terminal velocity glides down some hills on my commute - typically I see 80-85kph going down them.

Someone yelled out "What's the go with the car, mate!?" at a set of traffic lights. I said (before doing the testing) "The drag coefficient is about 0.22". He probably didn't know what I meant. I guess I should have said "fuel economy!". Oh well.

I still have had no issues with rubbing.

And I think my solution to the front of the rubber/car join will be industrial strength UV proof clear tape.

Pretty sweet! I'm endlessly impressed by your ability to make improvements and actually get out there and collect the data.

newtonsfirstlaw 12-31-2007 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by SVOboy (Post 3545)
Pretty sweet! I'm endlessly impressed by your ability to make improvements and actually get out there and collect the data.

Thanks... although coast down testing is so difficult to do it's almost impossible. I'd treat any figures with a large grain of salt.

With wind, elevation, and temperature all playing a part, it's very difficult to get it right. Especially wind. Every cyclist knows what it's like to get a gust of wind in the face, how that will slow you down very quickly (or enable a longer coast). But you just don't feel it in the car.

Crosswinds are also lethal - wind can be coming from almost any angle except about 30 degrees or so directly behind, either side, and still slow you down.

I should get myself some sort of altimeter before I even do a coastdown test via eyeballing.

However, I do know that there is a definite improvement to all my modifications, and that it is large. I can tell that by the sorts of hills I can coast down now and maintain or increase speed, and the way that my FE has improved to something like 3.7l/100km compared to 4.6l/100km highway. And that's with a combined cycle drive. If it was solely highway, it would be better than that no doubt.

newtonsfirstlaw 12-31-2007 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by SVOboy (Post 3545)
Pretty sweet! I'm endlessly impressed by your ability to make improvements and actually get out there and collect the data.

Thanks... although coast down testing is so difficult to do it's almost impossible. I'd treat any figures with a large grain of salt.

With wind, elevation, and temperature all playing a part, it's very difficult to get it right. Especially wind. Every cyclist knows what it's like to get a gust of wind in the face, how that will slow you down very quickly (or enable a longer coast). But you just don't feel it in the car.

Crosswinds are also lethal - wind can be coming from almost any angle except about 30 degrees or so directly behind, either side, and still slow you down.

I should get myself some sort of altimeter before I even do a coastdown test via eyeballing.

However, I do know that there is a definite improvement to all my modifications, and that it is sizable. I can tell that by the sorts of hills I can coast down now and maintain or increase speed, and the way that my FE has improved to something like 3.7l/100km compared to 4.6l/100km highway. And that's with a combined cycle drive. If it was solely highway, it would be better than that no doubt.

MetroMPG 01-14-2008 07:36 PM

(FYI, moved the posts about tubeless tire repair to a new thread.)

WaxyChicken 01-15-2008 04:47 PM

How will you change the tire with the skirt attached like that? it looks like one none-removable piece.

newtonsfirstlaw 01-15-2008 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by WaxyChicken (Post 5520)
How will you change the tire with the skirt attached like that? it looks like one none-removable piece.

It only goes up half way, and if you've ever changed a tire, you'll notice that the tire drops down quite a ways when that end of the car is jacked up. In addition, the rubber is pretty flexible considering it doesn't have to bend very much to move outwards.

A professional version of this mod would use some sort of spandex the color of the car, and have a strip going around the outside that would anchor the material and be removable.

Istas 06-07-2009 12:14 PM

Wow! Congrats on going for it, and extra cool on the improvement! Your experience is all the more impetus for me to get moving on front skirts of my own.

tf4624 04-19-2010 10:13 PM

Nice covers
wow you need them custom made LOL

kanaloa 05-08-2010 12:11 AM

Thanks for the tips!

viio 05-20-2010 10:45 AM


TOOQIKK 05-30-2010 11:52 AM

very intersting mod....will have to look into this one some more.....

2009Prius 06-09-2010 04:14 PM

"A big help"?
Wouldn't the flexible rubber flap in the wind and thus increase drag? :confused:

MrMiata 06-16-2010 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by 2009Prius (Post 178303)
Wouldn't the flexible rubber flap in the wind and thus increase drag? :confused:

Interested in seeing more test results.

Dr. Jerryrigger 06-21-2010 06:57 PM

Looks great! That rubber looks great for the application. It wouldn't be a big deal if it rubbed while making hard turns, as you'd be going quite slow. What do you have planned next? Looks like you could use a skirt under you bumper, but maybe I just missed it in the pic, or you have a belly pan.

TOOQIKK 03-25-2011 08:03 PM

any updates on this? how is it holding up? any more data?
i am contemplating making some front gonna try my hand at some rears as soon as the weather will make up its mind!

minAirForce 05-17-2011 01:34 PM

Great job. Thought about doing this myself. New to all this myself, but could definitely use some rubber or hard plastic. Where'd you get your rubber sheets?

minAirForce 05-18-2011 02:56 PM

Need help finding materials
New to this. What's a good source of rubber and thick plastic for sideskirts?

2009Prius 05-18-2011 03:17 PM

I still think rubber would be too flexible. Polycarbonate would be better I think. It also allows one to still be able to see the wheel well and tire.

minAirForce 05-18-2011 03:21 PM

I would think so. What kind of polycarb and where would you buy it?

2009Prius 05-18-2011 05:02 PM

Clear 1/4 or 1/8 inch thick maybe? I only know McMaster Carr and USA Plastics but there may be other cheaper sources.

minAirForce 05-19-2011 07:45 AM


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