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California98Civic 06-07-2015 06:00 PM

El Mirage June 13/14 2015
My daughter and I are headed to the SCTA El Mirage two day event this weekend with my car (we are only spectators, of course). Gonna snap photos of aero features, craftsmanship, and engine tech and talk with any of the drivers, crew, spectators I might meet.

Gonna camp on the lake bed primitive style. Watch the stars & spot satellites.

Anyone going? PM me and we can trade numbers, or else look for my car.


Cd 06-07-2015 07:22 PM

Please, please take your camera/video cell phone thingee.

I have seen several pictures from the salt flats that get salt on the lens. Perhaps you could bring a roll of crystal clear packing tape, and cover the lens.
They make some that is much more clear than normal tape. ( Just remember to dog-ear the end, because you will never find the end if you don't ! )

By having a small piece of tape on the lens, you could simply wipe any salt off the lens without worry of scratches.

Looking forward to the pics !

While you are there, could you also please ask why it is that everyone concentrates on the front of the car, versus the rear of the car ?

For example, I recall seeing at least 2-3 cars which had a sealed front that was pointed and had wheel skirts on the FRONT of the car, but none on the rear.
Boat tails are as rare as the do-do bird. From what i have read, it may have something to do with the rules. can you please ask ?

And just for the nerds like me, please ask if the car you are photographing has been tested for a Cd figure ?
I always love o find out the Cd figure on those cars.

Thanks ! Wish I could be there.

One more thing : I looked up El Mirage and I am seeing pictures of both a salt flat and a dry lakebed that is dirt. I guess the main thing to worry about there is dust , vs salt.

pgfpro 06-07-2015 08:11 PM

Man that's going to be a blast!!!

Take lots of pics please???

Baltothewolf 06-07-2015 08:56 PM

I may go, I have Sunday off, we will see.

California98Civic 06-08-2015 11:56 AM

@Cd: I love the questions. I will certajnly include them in conversations.

@pgfpro: it should be awesome. Gonna teach my 12 year old a little more of the basic aerodynamics stuff and some astronomy/physics (extremely basic because that's all I know) ... she goes into physics class in 8th grade this fall.

@balto: come on out the lakebed. Would love to meet you.

California98Civic 06-13-2015 08:58 PM

Oh man was it hot on the lakebed today. Even droped and broke my tablet... got the dark screen of death. Fixed it in the motel room just now. But I missed some great photo chances. At least I get another go tomorrow. If my daughter can be effective as a helper I might get to video my car's dust trail.

Cd 06-13-2015 09:44 PM

I'm glad you managed to fix your tablet.
Did you get around to talking with anyone about aerodynamics ?

California98Civic 06-13-2015 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Cd (Post 483344)
I'm glad you managed to fix your tablet.
Did you get around to talking with anyone about aerodynamics ?

A little. More tomorrow. Before I damaged my tablet camera, I got picks of Hondata's car (a fourth gen CRX with heavy aeromods of course) and a cool entry from out of Arizona. Both cars were heavily aeromodded in interesting ways. I'll post pics later. I plan to find both teams tomorrow and ask about their aero. Had a conversation with a vette racer today about his aero choices that touched on the questions you were suggesting ...

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