2008-08-26 197.4 4.114 $3.68 47.98 "First real accurate numbers because of a hole in the gas tank neck and a pump that over filled on me."
2008-08-28 73.2 1.522 $3.46 48.09 ""
2008-08-29 349.6 7.167 $3.74 48.78 "All expressway (65-70mph)"
2008-08-30 332 7.03 $3.86 47.23 "All expressway (65-70mph)"
2008-09-02 189.2 4.01 $3.66 47.18 "All expressway (65-70mph)"
2008-09-07 377.6 7.702 $3.67 49.03 "50/50 hwy/city"
2008-09-10 72.2 1.533 $3.94 47.1 "Short run but had a lead foot for some of it."
2008-09-12 80.7 1.491 54.12 "This is inconclusive proof of full grill block improvement. Most of this improvement goes to sudden OCD hypermiling on my part after the disappointing top off prior to this one."
2008-09-17 175 3.169 $3.87 55.22 "60mph average on the expressway and EOC."
2008-09-19 122.8 2.366 $3.879 51.9 ""
2008-09-22 487 8.789 $3.719 55.41 ""
2008-09-24 104.4 1.851 $3.649 56.4 ""
2008-09-25 86.4 1.384 $3.609 62.43 "Large portion I got to effectively (slower speeds) do P&G. Overall slower speeds for this top off."
2008-09-28 189.6 3.598 $3.509 52.7 ""
2008-09-30 72.7 1.402 $3.479 51.85 ""
2008-10-02 82.8 1.656 $3.479 50 ""
2008-10-06 191.6 3.433 $3.339 55.81 ""
2008-10-12 413.7 7.538 $3.019 54.88 "This was brought up from probably below 50mpg (going to fast on the expressway for 100miles of it) by doing a bit of P&G at around 50mph."
2008-10-13 45.8 0.64 $2.919 71.56 "Lots of P&G. Stayed off the expressway as much as possible. It's a small sample but I don't have the luxury of a ScanGuage so the pump's all I have atm."