2012-06-18 334.5 10.586 $3.749 31.6 "Mostly urban highway, 55-60 MPH. Some city driving and about 15 miles of slug traffic. light use of AC.
Car is brand new, still in break-in period."
2012-06-25 325.9 10.762 $3.599 30.28 ""
2012-07-01 332.7 10.418 $3.449 31.94 ""
2012-07-11 334.1 10.96 $3.499 30.48 ""
2012-07-14 310.9 9.38 $3.449 33.14 "Road trip, outgoing, 75-80 MPH"
2012-07-17 371.2 10.698 $3.599 34.7 "Roadtrip, returning. 65 MPH"
2012-07-27 334.5 10.668 $3.71 31.36 "Commuting, lots of AC use"