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Ecky 04-23-2021 08:47 AM

Google Maps will show most fuel efficient route
I'm not the biggest fan of just linking to other articles, but this is pretty big (in my opinion):


Google is making a change to the algorithm used to help navigate drivers from point "A" to point "B" in the fastest time. Sometime later this year, Google will push out an update for Maps that will no longer show users by default the quickest way between two points, but will instead show the most fuel-efficient way to get to point "B" from point "A." The new algorithm will take into account fuel consumption and focus on how much gas is being spent instead of how much time is being used during an automobile outing.
I wonder how many millions or billions of gallons of fuel this will save.

Cd 04-23-2021 09:15 AM

I predict that users will demand the old version, because it was the faster route.

Autobahnschleicher 04-23-2021 09:32 AM

Why not give the user the option to pic an effivient or a fast route?

M_a_t_t 04-23-2021 09:48 AM

It says "by default" which implies you can switch to the fastest route.

redneck 04-23-2021 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Cd (Post 646849)
I predict that users will demand the old version, because it was the faster route.

As the price of fuel increases the old version will start to wain and the more efficient route will prosper. That is however, till they start taxing the miles you drive which will make it a wash.

You’ll be paying one way or the other.

It’s a rigged game...




Piotrsko 04-23-2021 10:20 AM

Last I checked, the shorter route Reno to Seattle ran me down the Interstate with some portions clocking 75 mph and not considering traffic in metro areas. The faster route ran down 2 lane state highways avoiding metro areas for an hour difference at a typical 60 mph average. One can even plot a better route by hand following a straight line on a map, so there is something at issue with their algorithm. I did notice the commercials were for places along the faster route.

jakobnev 04-24-2021 03:59 AM

They should also add lift-off points to the navigation.

rmay635703 04-24-2021 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by redneck (Post 646854)
That is however, till they start taxing the miles you drive which will make it a wash.

You’ll be paying one way or the other.

It’s a rigged game...

On my twice weekly 100ish mile trip the fastest route is a full 10 miles further than the most fuel efficient (and slower) route.

Road taxation via registration or mileage on private citizens should be capped with a max.

I’m fine with taxes on fuels but the police state surrounding annual registration enforcement costs billions a year and should be disbanded

If we want to increase road funds they are gonna have to figure out where it comes out of general funds since more and more people barely drive and the cost to collect will exceed any benefits they foresee.

Amazon alone got 3.4billion in out and out grants and 20billion more of tax exemptions

Seems “hard choices” need to be made by government in terms of which businesses stop getting subsidized.

Galvatron1 04-30-2021 08:41 AM

Never would’ve guessed the fastest route isn’t the most efficient. I suppose it depends on who’s driving & their techniques.

If they set up smart traffic lights to conserve momentum, emissions could be greatly reduced also. But it only works with drivers who understand the principles of fuel efficiency.

Nothing is likely to change, when even impatient 61 year old female drivers exhibit road rage and aggressive driving behavior, like this:

Ecky 04-30-2021 08:58 AM

We might not see much change in route at all.

Hersbird 05-01-2021 12:35 PM

I think the problem will be when large volumes of cars get directed into quite neighborhood streets more designed for local traffic, not thru traffic. Kids out playing hockey or B-ball in the street, lorsof joggers and people out strolling. Suddenly it's I-5 because google defaults and says you save gas crossing these neighborhoods at 25 mph. Sadly the traffic won't go 25 mph becuase they still want the fastest route or will make whatever they are driving into the fastest route.

This is why so many new developments don't connect with the surrounding developments in a way to even allow thru traffic.

ksa8907 05-01-2021 08:15 PM

I use gps a lot, I live in a new area and travel a fair bit for work. It is completely infuriating when Google routes me through traffic hell because it was 2 minutes faster instead of the 5 mile longer route with little traffic and fewer stops.

Or the way it routes me back and forth on side streets to get to a destination instead of the long straight roads and one or two turns...

More relaxing drive, I'm ready

Galvatron1 10-15-2021 01:09 PM

Google maps most fuel-efficient route is finally here! Is today the 1st day of the rollout? 1st time I’ve seen it!

Piotrsko 10-15-2021 02:43 PM

See my previous statement about the efficiency of google maps, also the NPR article about them having to do 3 point turns on a dead end street to exit a one way road.

Ecky 10-16-2021 04:10 PM

First time I've seen it was today.

JSH 10-22-2021 04:04 PM

I noticed this popped up during my recent vacation. I didn't really have a chance to use it because on the big Island of Hawaii there is generally only one route.

redpoint5 10-22-2021 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by JSH (Post 657683)
I noticed this popped up during my recent vacation. I didn't really have a chance to use it because on the big Island of Hawaii there is generally only one route.

Headed there on the 10th. We're staying on the Kona side. Flights were $165 round trip, so we couldn't pass it up (already cancelled 2 prior trips due to Covid restrictions). Hopefully there'll be pilots to fly the plane by then.

What are your recommendations? I hear Two Step is good snorkeling.

JSH 10-23-2021 01:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)
You did better than us - we paid $270 round trip on United. Those weren't the cheapest flights but they had better times. We also flew exit rows or were upgraded to first class based on my status. United required all their employees to be vaccinated months ago so no worries on staff shortages when the new OSHA rules go into effect.

1. Go see the lava flowing in Hawaii National Park. Go after dark so either early morning or after sunset. We did both and sunrise was better but you will need to be there by about 4:30 am. This is why we went to Hawaii - we booked the trip right after the volcano started erupting again at the end of Sept.

2. Go up to the top of Mauna Kea for sunset. Warning it will be about 30 degrees and windy up there so pack accordingly or take one of the tours that provided big Carhart jackets. (4WD with low range required - there is a checkpoint)

3. Snorkeling. There isn't much good snorkeling left in Hawaii. The reefs are dead due to high water temperatures with only 20 - 40% live corral left. Between the water temps and tourist touching and stepping on the reefs there isn't much left close to shore so the better spots left aren't really accessible for snorkeling from the beach.

Yes, 2-step is a popular spot as is Captain Cook Bay. We paid $100 each for a commercial tour to get out to Captain Cook on this trip and it was the best snorkeling I've seen on the big island (We've been 3 times in the last 3 years) but it is still nothing like 30 years ago when you could find amazing reefs off just about any beach. You could also rent kayaks and paddle over to Captain Cook.

Just a warning - if there are high surf warnings the beaches will close. That happened to us on one trip and there were no beaches open our entire trip.

4. National park sites for native Hawaiian artifacts. The best one is next to 2-step and they get a little redundant. We visited them all the trip were the beaches were closed.

5. South point isn't worth the trip. It isn't the most southern point in the USA as claimed and the cliff jumping platform is closed off. It was just a bunch of fisherman when we visited last week. We stopped by on the drive from Hilo to Kona.

Reef status

If you want some more info shoot me a PM.

redpoint5 10-23-2021 07:08 PM

Lava is about as high as it goes on my list. Didn't know it was flowing now... any idea on the likelihood of it continuing for another 3 weeks? I know nothing about the frequency of these activities.

Good info on a checkpoint up the mountain. I'd have tried to get a rental sedan up there if it was an advisory and not a checkpoint.

Very much looking forward to kayaking so hopefully I can fit snorkeling into that activity. I'm SCUBA certified too, so good diving is on my list but I haven't looked into it yet. It's a selfish activity since nobody else going is certified.

Nice shot of the lava. Always thought it would be neat to see lava flowing underwater. Maybe when I retire.

Piotrsko 10-25-2021 10:03 AM

Afaik, lava has been flowing for a couple of years now, Queens bath and the housing development are gone, I don't think it will stop in the next 3 weeks. The north road up the mountain is probably open, not so sure of the south way up. I do know the south part of the highway around the island doesn't exist. Used to be a really interesting lava island campground about 5 miles south of the park that had ohala berries by the bowl full.

some_other_dave 10-28-2021 08:39 PM

Agreed on Two Step for snorkeling. Bring a fiver for the local-church-run parking lot and save yourself a hike.

Kahalu'u beach park also has some decent snorkeling, including at times turtles. I know people who are advanced swimmers who swim out from beside the Sheraton (or whatever the hotel is now) at Keauhou, on the side nearest the marina. They regularly get photos of turtles, mantas, and more.

The night snorkel trips from the harbor there are awesome. There are usually giant manta rays that feed right under you as you lie there hanging onto a floating ladder with lights. Hopefully they're doing those trips again...

JSH 11-17-2021 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Jonathan876 (Post 659006)
not very practical.

Google maps' eco routing? It has worked fine for me the couple times I've tried it since it became available. The app shows the fastest route and most economical route. In my case they time differences between the two has been a couple of minutes.

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