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Xist 03-22-2015 03:49 PM

Has MMO added to your gas helped you?
I am trying to read up on Marvel Mystery Oil, on here and elsewhere, and so far I am seeing many people saying it worked, some saying it did not provide noticeable benefit, and some insisting that it is "snake oil," without having any idea how to prove that it does or does not work.

Thank you very much! Please enjoy your day!

chefdave 03-22-2015 03:57 PM


Hersbird 03-22-2015 04:46 PM

I have used it as a detergent in motors before and it works. Most noticeably to free stuck valves in small lawnmowers. I would not say it is snake oil, but a light machine oil with additives, probably no snakes. Similar to ATF but they each have different additives and the ATF is not meant to be burned like MMO can be.
Where are you talking about using it, in the crankcase or in the fuel?

Xist 03-23-2015 12:29 AM


The product is composed of 74 percent mineral oil, 25 percent stoddard solvent, and 1 percent lard.
Marvel Mystery Oil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It seems like many Honda drivers on here add it to their gas to help enable their lean-burn habits.

firehawk618 03-23-2015 02:08 AM

Seems like after reading the 3 ingredients in MMO it would be super easy and cheap to just mix your own.

Xist 03-23-2015 03:14 AM

Marvel Mystery Oil, 1gal -

Sixteen dollars per gallon at Walmart.

By the way, it is Xistday again. Boo!

Chrysler kid 03-23-2015 08:20 AM

Never used it, rxp seemed to help my mileage but nothing drastic

KFM 03-23-2015 08:30 AM

Hmmm... pretty sure I have a bottle sitting on my shelf from my old Civic. I'll have to give it a try in the Insight next tank.

serialk11r 03-23-2015 03:05 PM

Apparently it's a pretty good cylinder/fuel system cleaner, but I don't know that it would help on an already clean engine? I put it into my MR2 before, couldn't tell the difference but it made me feel good so it was worth it haha. Snake oil ftw.

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