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kb81987 07-26-2019 03:57 PM

help to build open ReVolt
Hello my name is Nelson, I would like to build an electric motorcycle turning an alternator into an engine, and I would like to control it with the openReVolt controller. My knowledge is scarce, but I really want it, and I would like you to please guide me, maybe it is an old topic, but I would appreciate your collaboration. I haven't been able to get the openReVolt schematics from your website, it seems that the links don't work. Thank you in advance for your help.

thingstodo 08-02-2019 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by kb81987 (Post 603041)
Hello my name is Nelson, I would like to build an electric motorcycle turning an alternator into an engine, and I would like to control it with the openReVolt controller. My knowledge is scarce, but I really want it, and I would like you to please guide me, maybe it is an old topic, but I would appreciate your collaboration. I haven't been able to get the openReVolt schematics from your website, it seems that the links don't work. Thank you in advance for your help.

This might be a better place to post your message

Paul Holmes is on the forum and will likely email the information to you directly.

That said, your plan confuses me a bit. Why? An alternator is not a DC motor ... which is what you should be driving with an Open ReVolt (144A DC Controller)

I think that you need an AC motor controller to drive an alternator. But I don't think that just any alternator will work. Many are set up in a way that limits the output to under 20V.

It is my understanding that Paul's controller does not work correctly (perhaps not at all) under 24V, since the transistors don't turn on and off properly at such low voltages.

At 20V, you would need 37 amps for just one horse-power. At a nominal 12V, it's more like 62 amps per horse-power. The heat 'wasted' by an AC controller is related to the square of the current. So whatever heat you have at 10 amps, you get 4 times that at 20 amps, and 16 times that at 40 amps, and 64X that at 80 amps. I think you'd need at least 5 HP to get any sort of acceleration ... so there is a lot of heat to get rid of on your heat sinks.

That's why the voltages used on vehicles are typically over 100V, and mostly in the 400V range. It keeps the current low, and the heat low.

A DC motor that could work for a motorcycle is the kind that you'd get from an older forklift. Likely 48V or so. And you could build a battery pack from 24 - 60V, depending on the cells you choose and the space you have. That would work fine with Paul's ReVolt.

Hope that helps!

kb81987 08-04-2019 08:46 AM

Hi friend "thingstodo". Thank you very much for answering my concern. The truth is that I am a programmer, but my knowledge of electronics is very limited. Regarding the car alternator, I have made the modification to make it work like an engine and it works, but I don't have a motor controller for so much power, and I don't have money to buy a curtis controller for example. Here in my country, the Curtis driver has a similar value to a new motorcycle. I understand that what I propose seems somewhat crazy but I think it is a good initiative to build a vehicle with pieces of eviction and that it is economical. I hope you help me. the truth in my country the thing is difficult

Stubby79 08-04-2019 12:14 PM

My recent experience using a car alternator as a motor shows that they’re very inefficient, particularly above 24-36v, or around the 2400-3600rpm range. Extremely inefficient. You’ll be throwing away nearly half of your electric power(range) because of it. You’re also limited to 750 watts, realistically.

The up side is the cheapness of the “motor”.

An electric bike controller or other 3-phase, sensorless controller is required. You can get them up to about 1500 watts for under $50.

If you want real power - not electric bike power - you’ll need a real motor.

freebeard 08-08-2019 06:31 PM


Here in my country, the Curtis driver has a similar value to a new motorcycle.
This Catriel?

I support your plan. In addition to the Paul Holmes threads, look at Controller mods or build for E-assist altermotor. HaroldinCR is trying to do the same thing, with the altermotor out of a Buick Lacrosse/Impala hybrid. It uses a serpentine-belted 20hp altermotor that wants ~115V.

Tahoe_Hybrid 08-26-2019 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by kb81987 (Post 603041)
Hello my name is Nelson, I would like to build an electric motorcycle turning an alternator into an engine, and I would like to control it with the openReVolt controller. My knowledge is scarce, but I really want it, and I would like you to please guide me, maybe it is an old topic, but I would appreciate your collaboration. I haven't been able to get the openReVolt schematics from your website, it seems that the links don't work. Thank you in advance for your help.

you will need one of those E-Assist units

they are 15 kW motor and 44 foot-pounds of torque

a 1-1.5kw won;t have enough power to even move barely due to lack of torque maybe like 5 foot-pounds of torque

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