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motiheal 02-28-2010 02:58 PM

Help with safe hypermiling
Hi. I am a new member. I am beginning to aeromod my Celica, and have a post in the Aerodynamics section. Here, I am offering readers a look at my blog, which is the number one search in Yahoo and Google for "best driver in the world" (My first post so I couldn't add the URL). Might help someone out there, who is hypermiling, with tips and philosophy of staying safe. I am also open to it being published and on the look for an interested agent, of course. Tell me what you think? There are about 65 entries.


moonmonkey 02-28-2010 07:44 PM

safe hypermiling
i have only been hypermilling for about3-4 observations are ,,,,, it is safe,,, but not the safest way to drive (atleast the way i do it) i try not to hit the brakes Ever! that means fast cornering. i dont go above 60, that has cars streaming around both sides of me on the interstate,sometimes coming very close to try and express their displeasure with me driving "slowly" (and yes i have to be in the centerlane sometimes) .i also time redlights somtimes having to stab the brakes hard to not run a red.and i roll past stop signs to not loose all my momentum . but compared to how i used to drive ,i consider it about as safe, over 1 million miles driven and never caused an accedent.and only hit by others a few times,, so not bad in my book,,,good luck with your blog ,,and welcome to the site.

motiheal 03-01-2010 06:59 AM

thanks-- hope the blog helps. BTW the spats are the same as rear wheel skirts.

moonmonkey 03-01-2010 06:30 PM

spates/wheel skirts
2 Attachment(s)
i,ve never seen "spate" used to describe wheel skirts/wheel covers, spates/strakes are deflectors put in front and rear of the tires, as the word is used on this site,see attached,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(but ive been wrong before).

motiheal 03-01-2010 07:15 PM

skirts it is. my car's a girl anyway.

moonmonkey 03-01-2010 07:43 PM

i looked under my car ,after you said yours was a girl and to my horror i saw,,,,,,a tranny!

moonmonkey 03-01-2010 10:12 PM

your way down the search engine now,, but i found it. your writing is entertaining,, your sterotyping of driving style depending on vehicle type is interesting.

motiheal 03-05-2010 05:17 PM

thanks. as i begin to hypermile, i will write about it in terms of what the future might bring. for example, i think we should have yield signs instead of stop signs in many places. but the bottom line always has to be safety.

i'm curious-- it seems they moved this post, but where?

moonmonkey 03-05-2010 09:48 PM

go to your user cp you can ind all your posts,,, its in hypermiling.

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