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rgathright 11-03-2008 04:11 PM

HHO producting vehicles and electric cars in trouble?
Due to a decreasing world supply of lithium, HHO producers and electric cars may have trouble buying batteries!

World Lithium Supplies May Hamper Growth - PCAuthority

Big Dave 11-03-2008 05:03 PM

Lithium is far more ubiquitous than cobalt. LiCoO2 is the main material.

What's worse is we have one candidate who wants the price of electricity (in his own words) "to skyrocket."

If lack of battery raw material doesn't kill the electric car, 25 cent per kwh electricity will.

Red 11-03-2008 05:14 PM

Some one has to get rich somewhere

cfg83 11-03-2008 07:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Red -


Originally Posted by Red (Post 70732)
Some one has to get rich somewhere

Hee hee hee, your post made this image pop into my mind :

Overall, this situation sounds déjà vu reminiscent of ethanol and corn prices.


rmay635703 11-03-2008 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Big Dave (Post 70729)
Lithium is far more ubiquitous than cobalt. LiCoO2 is the main material.

What's worse is we have one candidate who wants the price of electricity (in his own words) "to skyrocket."

If lack of battery raw material doesn't kill the electric car, 25 cent per kwh electricity will.

Unless people learn they can bypass the system, hopefully someone is allowed to offer a reasonable method of doing so. That way electric production will begin at home.

jamesqf 11-03-2008 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Big Dave (Post 70729)
What's worse is we have one candidate who wants the price of electricity (in his own words) "to skyrocket."

Just for clarification, what he was talking about was a "cap & trade" scheme for CO2 emissions, something McCain supported long before Obama jumped on the bandwagon.

But without getting into partisan politics, how do you expect to reduce CO2 output without somehow making it more expensive? Doesn't necessarily mean electricity would become more expensive, since the expensive coal-fired plants could be replaced with nuclear, at about the same long-term cost - and your grandkids (if any) might have a habitable planet to live on.

rgathright 11-04-2008 08:52 AM

On the subject of electricity costs, our nation is real close to becoming self sufficient. We have large reserves of Li here with salt flats in Utah and other states.

As you have seen in my earlier posts, I am a big supporter of wind because of the long term maintenance jobs it will create. Getting support from the public through education on the benefits of wind will pressure congress to offer tax bonuses to the creation of these farms on vacant BLM land.

Big Dave 11-05-2008 08:11 PM

Jamesqf asked:

“…how do you expect to reduce CO2 output without somehow making it more expensive?”

Dave says:
If non-CO2 emitting sources were in place, I’d agree. But at very best, we are fifteen years from seeing any real alternatives in place, so all the taxation and regulation simply causes people to pay more taxes for no return at all. I would have no problem with CO2 regulation and taxation AFTER adequate substitutes were in place and operational.

Rmay635703 stated:

“…electric production will begin at home.”

Dave says:
I suspect you will find out what biodiesel homebrewers are finding out. Government will view anyone not paying their taxes will be considered as moonshiners.

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