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Daox 05-21-2008 08:13 AM

Honda's new offerings
I know we pretty much exclusively drive used cars here, but these will be used eventually. It looks like Honda is packing a whollop in the comming years with a new dedicated hybrid (Prius competitor), new Civic hybrid, sport hybrid based off the CRZ concept, and a Fit hybrid (this car is already amazing without being a hybrid)! They're also planning on the hybrid premium only being around $2000 so the price hit won't be bad at all. Here is the press release:

SVOboy 05-21-2008 05:27 PM

:thumbup: for honda. I'm a fan of used cars (recycling and all that), but gotta buy new ones at some point, :)

NoCO2 05-21-2008 07:00 PM

This is good news for sure. I'm glad to see that they're slowly moving away from the 100% IC engines and starting to look elsewhere. Maybe some other manufacturers should start thinking along the same lines and not charge people out the wazoo for the extra fuel savings.

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