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Wayneburg 05-01-2011 06:58 PM

I bought a folding electric bicycle!
I got a folding electric bicycle so I can do short trips in the neighborhood.

And it only cost $100! Most folding bikes without an electric motor are more than $100 used. It's nearly new and it spent most of its life in a garage. The only thing wrong with it was a loose pedal crank. But, 5 minutes with a socket wrench got it back in shape.

It's a Riviera Folding Electric Bicycle from Santa Barbara Electric Bicycle Company. It didn't come with a manual, but I plan to buy one off ebay so I can figure out ways to improve efficiency.

It's a blast to ride! I can do 20-25 mph. And it lasted all afternoon (maybe 2-5 miles). I'm a bicycle rider anyway so this thing just makes those trips that are a little longer that much easier.

dcb 05-01-2011 07:00 PM

nice score, strap a milk crate on back and go grocery shopping :)

kawboyCAFE 05-02-2011 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by dcb (Post 235462)
strap a milk crate on back and go grocery shopping :)

this comment got me laughing, because i have used a milk crate many of times myself.:thumbup:

Frank Lee 05-03-2011 01:43 AM

Hecka good deal! :thumbup:

I have a Songi electric bicycle and I like it (when it's over 40 deg F out).

I saw a pretty nifty electric bicycle at Menard's today... looked like something I might even prefer over the Songi because it has proper bicycle ergos- it's actually made to pedal while the Songi's pedals are mainly there to fulfill the legal requirement for pedals... it's at the low low price of $699.

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