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IamIan 05-17-2013 08:04 PM

Impact of Ethanol % of Efficiency Tests

As the Title says.

Interesting find:


VEE is on average 2.7% higher for ethanol/gasoline blends than for gasoline but varies within a wide range from 14.9% lower to 23.6% higher.
-14.9% Energy Efficiency to +23.6% Energy Efficiency ... is a drastic swing, in the YMMV concept.

roosterk0031 05-17-2013 10:57 PM

Yep it varies depending on each car, my Stratus follows the energy curve almost perfect, the Impala does better with E85 than it should. Comes down to $/mile to me so E85 has to be 20% cheaper for the Impala or Suburban before it for me to use it or for me to play with blending again.

Link to my limited testing

Allch Chcar 05-19-2013 03:53 PM

This seems to be another study trying to change how we look at things. This isn't the first time I've heard efficiency of energy used instead of efficiency of volume. Obviously a fuel with a larger energy density is desirable for consumers but doesn't necessarily mean it is a better fuel overall. Diesel is nice because it is high density fuel used in a more efficient engine. But Ethanol seems to be the lesser of the three because of energy density but is actually capable of Diesel levels of efficiency with Gasoline levels of power. I'd like to see some more studies like this. Particularly while the EPA is mulling a idea for E30 as an alternative to Premium Gasoline.

gone-ot 05-19-2013 06:20 PM

...*IF* EPA mandates E30, then EPA should perform ALL their milage *tests* on E30 and NOT the Indolene G100 that they currently use!

...yes, EPA can *measure* pollutants on Indolene, but their milage tests should 100% represent the reality of what's actually used!

Allch Chcar 05-19-2013 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Old Tele man (Post 372258)
...*IF* EPA mandates E30, then EPA should perform ALL their milage *tests* on E30 and NOT the Indolene G100 that they currently use!

...yes, EPA can *measure* pollutants on Indolene, but their milage tests should 100% represent the reality of what's actually used!

They are not going to mandate E30 nor do they mandate E15. The idea is to allow manufactures to certify their cars on it. A much better idea than just declaring all cars 2001+ legal to operate on a fuel when the manufacturers are saying they won't warranty it. If they certify it would be no different than cars certified as Flexfuel vehicles. Except they are designed to run on E30 instead of haphazardly tuned to compensate.

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