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SentraSE-R 09-08-2013 06:59 PM

I was going 30 mph in a 30 mph zone in Bryce Canyon National Park yesterday, and this yahoo passed me, crossing the double yellow line. He didn't get far, as a law enforcement Ranger coming the other way witnessed the whole thing. The Ranger turned on the flashing lights, and directed the errant driver to pull over.

My passenger & I both felt great seeing the miscreant get his just dues. Why is that?

Beau 09-08-2013 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by SentraSE-R (Post 389436)
My passenger & I both felt great seeing the miscreant get his just dues. Why is that?

I believe this was a reaction to the flashing lights; most probably, flashing lights cause some sort of involuntary increase in your desire to see stupidity and self-centeredness punished.

Be wary of flashing lights - you may become conditioned to expect equitable treatment of the stupid.

Frank Lee 09-08-2013 07:50 PM


My passenger & I both felt great seeing the miscreant get his just dues. Why is that?
Could just be schaudenfreude. :thumbup:

Was there steam pouring out of the windows?

redpoint5 09-12-2013 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by SentraSE-R (Post 389436)
My passenger & I both felt great seeing the miscreant get his just dues. Why is that?

I'm no psychology expert, but I believe our biology is such that we find pleasure in justice. We have a sense of right and wrong that demands that people get their just desserts.

A couple days ago I found myself in stop and go traffic on I-5 for 2hrs due to all lanes being blocked by a wreck. Instead of stomping on the gas and then jamming on the brakes, I decided to relax and allow a gap to develop in front of me that I would eventually close by coasting/idling. In 10 minutes of driving this way, not a single person moved into the gap I had left. Unbeknownst to me, the person directly behind me was quite agitated by this level of efficiency, and he proceeded to peel out and pass on the left shoulder of the freeway.

A younger me would have been upset by this display of rage and blatant law breaking, but I found satisfaction in remaining calm while knowing he was still fuming, and only 1 car further along in the miserable traffic. I'd have celebrated if he received a citation for his maneuver, but a sort of justice is achieved anyhow, through his upset mood and decreased fuel efficiency.

Frank Lee 09-12-2013 09:25 PM

Cali plates, right? :thumbup:

jeff88 09-12-2013 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by redpoint5 (Post 390276)
Instead of stomping on the gas and then jamming on the brakes, I decided to relax and allow a gap to develop in front of me that I would eventually close by coasting/idling.

I do the same thing, what's the rush? As long as you keep up with the vehicle ahead and not wait for a mile between you and the car in front, then it's all good, right? One would hope.


Originally Posted by Frank Lee (Post 390284)
Cali plates, right? :thumbup:

Hey now!... :D

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