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Xringer 02-23-2024 10:33 AM

Did you ever need to sent a text message and the cell tower wasn't there for you? What kind of Back-up communications do you have in your car?
I used to have Ham radio, but found it was not that useful around the Boston area.
Please check out my post over on the other eco.

redpoint5 02-23-2024 11:46 AM

I've thought about getting a cell booster for in the car, but they are so darned expensive that I'd just be angry if it doesn't work well.

I've got handheld ham sets because they are so cheap these days, but don't have my license yet so I don't carry them.

freebeard 02-23-2024 12:57 PM

Softwware based solution:
Quote: › s2underground › GhostNet
GitHub - s2underground/GhostNet: GhostNet
s2underground main Code README GhostNet GhostNet is the overarching term for a collection of communications networks set up to allow users around the world to exchange information without relying on pre-established infrastructure.
Hardware based solution:

Wireless communication technology
LoRa is a physical proprietary radio communication technique. It is based on spread spectrum modulation techniques derived from chirp spread spectrum technology. It was developed by Cycleo, a company of Grenoble, France, and patented in 2014 patent 9647718-B2. Cycleo was later acquired by Semtech. LoRaWAN defines the communication protocol and system architecture. Wikipedia
I have experience with neither.

Piotrsko 02-24-2024 10:20 AM

How about google fi? It's an amalgamation service that doesn't own towers, but has leases from most every server company. Software grabs the best signal / nearest tower and uses that whether or not it's ma bell, sprint, whoever. Roaming Eurpoe has so far been free.

Most towers are multi company, but could be otherwise way out in the boonies

freebeard 02-24-2024 01:39 PM

How about "Don't be evil"?

redpoint5 02-25-2024 12:55 AM

Ship is sailed. Embrace, and amplify time.

freebeard 02-25-2024 02:22 AM


Embrace, and amplify time.
Oxford comma???

In the Steve Ballmer and Gates era it was Embrace%2C_extend%2C_and_extinguish Embrace, extend, extinguish: How Google crushed and abandoned the RSS industry

Most of the commentary I've read so far about the loss of Google Reader has been about its use as an RSS client. But that's a red herring. The real victims were companies that had planned in 2005 and 2006 to build RSS sync engines. Google stomped them out of business like Godzilla sweeping through Tokyo.
Written by Ed Bott, Senior Contributing Editor | March 22, 2013 at 4:17 p.m. PT
When are they going to improve that Search function [upper left] watching over everything we say here?

edit: What blocked Microsoft from complete domination was Free & Open source software, Linux in particular [Raspian in this instance]. Gates bolted and went into contraceptive vaccines. Ballmer rode it right into the ground.

Piotrsko 02-25-2024 10:30 AM

Lots of things disable googles incessant attempt to monetize you, some more efficient than others.

An outward harbinger is you tube suggestions: if they rapidly change to the current search, you aren't blocking all your data. All I get anymore are different results of the last search and search sugestions quote the ravens.

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