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wyatta4 05-19-2011 06:27 PM

MPG on laptop
Has anyone heard of hooking their laptop up to there cars?? I want to hook one up to a CRX so it displays such as a scangauge or MPGuino.. I will be converting te electronics to OBD1 when I swap the VX motor into the CRX

wyatta4 05-19-2011 06:28 PM

The swap won't be for a while, however.

TheEnemy 05-20-2011 01:42 AM

I did, but with an obdII. What I use is called OBDwiz, cost about $40ish. It is a little cumbersome to use the laptop though, and I wouldn't advise doing it solo unless you are logging and look at it later.

wyatta4 05-20-2011 08:02 AM

So that's not going to work for me right? Cause I'll only have OBD1...:(

wyatta4 05-20-2011 08:21 AM

I'm guessing MPGuino is going to be my only option? Can I plug the MPGuino into my computer for charts and such??... Thanks

Arragonis 05-20-2011 10:58 AM

There are some cables which comvert OBD1 to OBD2 and also link to a PC via USB.

I have no idea about software though, it is something I have thought about to run with my in car camera. The idea would be to log some SG2 type data such as MPG etc. and have a split screen display showing instruments at the bottom and the view outside at the top.

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