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veloman 08-14-2015 11:26 AM

MPG lists and real world speeds
Is there any way to sort these MPG garage lists to weed out those who are driving at nearly bicycle speeds? I've been reading and watching some videos of hypermilers and it seems common to be driving like 15-30mph under the speed of traffic. I understand as a group, we are going to be "slower' than the typical driver who doesn't care about mpg.

For instance, when I drive, I will time red lights as best as possible, and go slow in stop and go traffic to keep my speed more steady. But on an open road, I think it's just ridiculous to be going 30mph and having a line of cars behind you that want to go 50mph. If I wanted to go that much slower than traffic, I'll ride my ebike on the shoulder and let the cars pass.

I'm posting this because I want to find the best car to buy for my interests. Then I find out that some hypermilers who are getting mega high mileage are getting those results because they drive so incredibly slow. Please, I am not trying to point the finger at anyone.

I just would like to see a cruising speed next to these mpg figures.

MetroMPG 08-14-2015 12:22 PM

Short answer: nope.

It would be up to each driver to enter their speed info in the comments of their fuel log entries. Which would be like herding cats.

EG: most of my driving is on quiet back roads. If there's nobody around, I'll cruise at 5-10 km/h below the limit of 80 km/h (50 mph). I record my tank average speed in my fuel log. BUT... the ScanGauge typically shows a much lower average speed for the tank once it factors in a bit of city driving and stops. (The SG also calculates avg speed based on elapsed time, not a moving average, meaning those minutes spent stopped for lights, trains, etc drag it down.) In my case, it's actually not a very useful number to talk about.

Maybe what you really want is in this thread:

JRMichler 08-14-2015 01:18 PM

I drive 55 MPH in 55 and higher speed limits. In slower limits, I drive speed limit up to 5 to 10 over.

Now, if only I lived in a warmer climate, I would have much better lifetime mileage.....

Fat Charlie 08-14-2015 01:50 PM

Cruising speed has nothing to do with average speed. It's and ideal that is only hit for a tiny percentage of a tank's time.

When the limit on my local backroad "highway" was 35, I did a bit over 40. Now it's 45 in places and I keep to the same speed. When the speed limit on my local multilane divided highway was 55, I generally stayed 50-60 and let people go by as they saw fit. Now it's 65 in places and I generally keep it over 60- but when no one's around I'll take it lower when stretching the downhill glides.

I'm not blocking anyone and what speeds other people want to drive at isn't my concern. We had an argument along these lines here a few years ago and I had to ask "How does your right to travel at whatever speed you want somehow trump my right to do the same thing?" He never answered. As long as I'm somewhat near the posted speed limit, leave me out of your angst. Instead, contact your state representative to try to raise the limit in that area. If he doesn't listen to you, why should I?

I spent years tearing it up out there. I still can and enjoy it thoroughly when I do. But it's not my job to do it just because you want me to. Besides, the slowpoke (if he really is) in the front isn't causing the blockage. It's the wimp behind him that's too scared to make a one-car pass that's holding everyone up: he pretends he's in a hurry but won't pass, even though he has the easiest shot out of anyone. Everyone more than two or three cars back, they're just stuck in traffic is all.

It's not like the open road really exists anyway. There's someone else ahead of me, and someone else ahead of him. I spent years scrambling to make one car length in traffic, and I still make it to work on time even though I'm not fighting through traffic any more. So I don't have sympathy for people who get upset about me not pointlessly stressing about it.

But this morning I was doing 40-50 in 35-50 areas and 30-35 in 25-35 areas and got ~60 mpg on that leg. Then I did 40-50 in 35-50 areas, sat idling waiting at a horrible light, cheated my way around it and did 80 on a long stretch that varied 60,65 and 70. I got 43 mpg on that leg. The distance for both together was probably 60/65 miles. I'll be filling up tonight and I expect the tank to still be over 50 mpg even though I've had to do that stretch three mornings and two evenings this week.

Longsnowsm 08-14-2015 01:59 PM

If the idea is that your car shopping then I would recommend you start with the site for the EPA ratings for any vehicle your considering and round up your list of proposed vehicles that way. If you see someone post a great number here on the forum then lookup what they are driving on that web site and build your list. Generally speaking the better those starting numbers on the EPA site will give you something to shoot for some decent above EPA numbers with. You can filter on the gov site also for those that meet the mpg figures your looking for.

I typically keep my speeds 5-10mph below the posted limits on the highway, and I am not afraid to tuck in behind a drafting partner whenever the opportunity comes along. Around the city I tend to drive like you described.... Slow, try to keep moving, steady, time the lights, coast whenever I can. I however don't see the fantastic numbers that a lot of these good folks here do, I have a lot of learning yet to do. :-) Like others mentioned I really don't care what the other drivers are doing. They are in a constant state of "ticked off" regardless if I drive 105 or 55... So drive your drive and let the others lose their minds... You will see them at the next couple of lights anyway! LOL

veloman 08-14-2015 02:26 PM

MetroMPG gave the link to the topic that I was most interested in. So that works for me.

basjoos 08-14-2015 03:13 PM

I drive at the speed limit to 5 over, occasionally 10 over on the few times when I am in a hurry.

MetroMPG 08-14-2015 03:21 PM

^ I also spend some of my efficiency "dividends" on higher speed.

Unless the gauge is lying to me on the current tank, the Firefly REALLY likes the RE92's, smooth wheel discs and air dam that I added this summer. So I've been driving it faster, while still getting silly good numbers!

dirtydave 08-14-2015 04:39 PM

I draft on the highway upto 65mph unless its up a hill. in town ill go down to 35mph if that is or around the speed limit. doesn't make much of a difference I spend most of my time in neutral.

user removed 08-14-2015 07:19 PM

When I had an average speed capability it would be in the range of 35-40mph, unless it was a road trip then close to the posted speed limit unless my passengers needed to stop more often.

At lower average speeds without traffic lights or heavy traffic, I made it to 72mpg for one stretch with another 3 board members driving about 38 average in a mostly 55 zone with few lights and excellent hills for coasting.


roosterk0031 08-14-2015 09:28 PM

I do 90/10 hwy/city average speed almost always 46/47 mph. 134,000 miles orignal brakes on my XFE, drive without brakes and N coasting. 38%+ EPA while always driving PSL 55 mph. Drove KT's Cobalt for a week, 38%+ EPA with it as well. IMO simple driving get to that almost 40% over EPA combine. At 70 MPH my cobalt xfe and wifes Impala get rated HWY.

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