Finished it this evening when I got home.

Front underside

Drivers side under door

Materials used.
1 1/2 pieces of coroplast ($17)
1" tornilo screws (1box $4)
1" diameter washers (on hand)
20' of flooring metal ( had it on hand)
10' of L shaped aluminum track (had it on hand)
Card board used to pattern (leftover from a recent tub install)
Utility knife (I use this for work so no cost to me here)
Time spent= 8 hours
Total money invested= $21.00
Miles to recoup investment= ?
Upon taking it out for its first test drive it was awesome how little throttle it needed to maintain 60+ mph. It feels similar to the throttle I was using at 57 before just as a guess. Hopefully this will put me on my way to reaching that 60+mpg tank that has so narrowly eluded me thus far.