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-   -   One tank on the Paseo - no P&G, no EOC - place your MPG bets (

Daox 02-24-2010 10:41 AM

One tank on the Paseo - no P&G, no EOC - place your MPG bets
I've been thinking about doing this for a while now, and I am finally doing it. I'm going to drive one tank (maybe half a tank, we'll see) without using P&G (pulse and glide) or EOC (engine off coasting). I'm very interested in seeing how much my mileage drops due to abandoning these driving techniques. I'll still be using all other techniques, just getting rid of these more advanced ones.

The alternator disable won't be used since its still winter and that has killed the battery's capacity. But, everything else will be in use.

Winter has already hit the Paseo's mileage very hard, so I'm very unsure of what I'll get. Anyone want to take a guess at what kind of mileage I'll see?

Here is my mileage log:

One of the other reasons for doing this is that the EGR mod will be pretty useless if I still P&G. It was aimed at trying to find a solution to improve steady state driving mileage. This will give me a very rough idea of where I'd be starting from.

MetroMPG 02-24-2010 10:50 AM

Well, your EPA highway rating is 34 mpg (US), and I definitely think you'll still beat that, since your commute is mostly highway. (And it's not high-speed, right?)

Plus you'll still be using your brain, and the car still has some efficiency boosting mods on it that raise its highway MPG above stock.

In which case I'm guessing 41 even.

Daox 02-24-2010 10:53 AM

My commute is mostly 55 mph highway. I will be doing 50-55. I'll also be doing the speed limit on normal streets.

Piwoslaw 02-24-2010 10:59 AM

I'm guessing 44mpg. Or maybe more, but 44 is my bet. Like Darin noticed, you'll be using your brain. Unless that also counts as a "more advanced technique"?

Daox 02-24-2010 11:05 AM

Thankfully, using my brain isn't an advanced technique. :) IMO this kind of driving is something ANYONE can do, even your grandma. I wouldn't tell her to go try and P&G or EOC haha.

MadisonMPG 02-24-2010 11:31 AM

40 smooth.

wyatt 02-24-2010 11:53 AM

51. It looks like the difference between two tanks between February and March '08 was about 6 mpg, I would expect that again if you were using the same techniques. Since you are not, the techniques will offset the gains from weather.

tasdrouille 02-24-2010 12:08 PM

Yup, low 40s.

SentraSE-R 02-24-2010 12:25 PM

It looks like your winter mpg average is ~42-44 mpg. HS P&G doesn't raise mpg much - maybe 10%. So I'll guess 38-40 mpg sans P&G and EOC.

moorecomp 02-24-2010 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by SentraSE-R (Post 162759)
It looks like your winter mpg average is ~42-44 mpg. HS P&G doesn't raise mpg much - maybe 10%. So I'll guess 38-40 mpg sans P&G and EOC.


gascort 02-24-2010 03:55 PM

I've been only using EOC / p&G in city conditions and exceptionally long highway coasts recently (mainly because I want the heater on!)....And partly because I'm trying to manipulate my car's lean burn mode on the highway.
I'll bet 39 mpg as long as temps don't come up. If you EOC in your city driving and just leave it running on the highway, I bet you'd top 42.

piers.singer 02-24-2010 04:25 PM

Not sure whether I'm being conservative or optimistic but my money's on 46.

Daox 02-26-2010 10:09 AM

According to my scangauge (which is not calibrated), Piwoslaw is the closest so far. This mornings commute showed me 44.4 mpg. Although, I admit I did find myself a very nice semi going 50 mph. I followed him at a safe distance for a fair amount of the trip.

As a side note, I am finding it hard to resist the urge to P&G haha. It just so natural to do now. I am coasting down hills where I can maintain or just slowly loose speed.

Cd 02-26-2010 06:03 PM

Doax, Thanks ! I've often wanted to see some of the best MPG cars on this site driven 'normally'.
By this I mean driven the exact posted speed limit, no tricks like EOC, or P&G.
This gives me a better idea of what certain mods to a particular car can do for FE for the average driver out there that is not willing to P&G with the engine off.

Daox 02-26-2010 06:17 PM

Yes, I'm also curious to just see what I'd get if I didn't feel like trying. P&G is work. You do get used to it, but its still way more involved than steady state cruising.

The trip home was a bit worse. I rolled into the drive way at about 40.3 mpg. Again, this is on an uncalibrated scangauge, so it could be a fair amount off.

Tygen1 02-26-2010 06:34 PM

What percentage of your drive would you normaly EOC? How many miles is your commute? What's your average speed? Just asking cause I made spread sheet and am hoping to predict the results from EOC.

Daox 02-26-2010 08:14 PM

My commute is 21 miles one way. I probably have the engine off close to half the time. I'd have to double check the average speed, but I'd guess low 40s.

Tygen1 02-26-2010 08:48 PM

crunching the numbers........

repete 02-27-2010 08:40 AM

My guess is 45!

Lazarus 02-27-2010 08:43 AM

I'm going 41.5 MPG

Tygen1 02-27-2010 11:12 PM

Well, my calculations are predicting a 25% difference between EOC and and Non EOC in your case. That would mean around 38 if we compare it to a 51 mpg tank and 42.5 if we compare it to your 57 mpg tank. There's sooo many variables though, you just can't use math to predict this, or at least I can't :)

My guess, 42.5!

Daox 03-02-2010 08:12 AM

Well, I had a bit of a nasty beginning to my commute. I scraped the windows and took off. However, after about a block or so of driving I couldn't see out my windshield anymore. So, I had to pull into a parking lot and wait for some heat to defrost. I got back on my way to work after a minute or two and did find a semi going the speed limit to follow. The result was 40.8 mpg on the SG.

Piwoslaw 03-02-2010 09:28 AM

So how far are you into the tank?

RobertSmalls 03-02-2010 09:06 PM

Was your frost on the inside or the outside of the glass?

Inside, I recommend parking the car in a garage with the windows down for a few days to dry it out. Outside, I recommend fresh wiper blades and Prestone Windshield DeIcer, with a freezing point of -34°F. It's potent stuff. :)

I had a pervasive issue with frost on the inside of the Insight this winter, which killed my fuel economy on more than a few commutes.

Daox 03-02-2010 09:34 PM

I'm at about 3/4 tank right now. Plenty to go. The drive home showed 43.5 if I recall correctly.

The ice was on the outside of the glass I think. I didn't try scraping it off after I got going. I scraped it fairly well before starting up, but it just fogged right back up. It was quite odd.

Daox 03-03-2010 07:21 AM

44.8 on the drive in today.

Another side note, coolant temps are much higher now. I can use the heater a ton more which is kind of nice. I haven't had the radiator fan turn on yet, but its just a matter of time until theres a warm day.

Piwoslaw 03-03-2010 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Daox (Post 164011)
Another side note, coolant temps are much higher now. I can use the heater a ton more which is kind of nice. I haven't had the radiator fan turn on yet, but its just a matter of time until theres a warm day.

That shows just how much energy is being wasted in a normal car, with a normal driver.
I once read that the 3L version of the VW Lupo was so efficient that engine waste heat wasn't enough to keep the passengers warm, requiring an extra electric heating system.
I'd think this is also the case in certain hybrids.

Mrhiguy 03-04-2010 02:48 AM

Just completed a semi long trip in my stock 96 paseo. Went aproximately 55-60 and used half a tank. I averaged 46mpg.

Daox 03-04-2010 07:17 AM

42.5 on the way home yesterday. Not too bad considering there was an accident and traffic was backed up fairly well.

gone-ot 03-04-2010 08:30 AM

...I find variations in daily "traffic" flow have a HUGE effect on MPG goint to/from work, ie: at 0600 traffic is very light and widely spread apart, but at 1730 the traffic is bunched and "rubber-banding" with every little distraction (police car, car on shoulder, merging traffic, exiting traffic, idjiots "weaving" from lane-to-lane, etc.)

Daox 03-09-2010 07:33 AM

Here is what a few degrees does for you. Lately, its been about 15F in the morning. I've been averaging low to mid 40s. Today it was 35F out and I got 47.4 mpg on the way in. Can't wait for even higher temps!

shiba 03-10-2010 05:10 PM

my guess is about 42mpg...

i've been getting around 40 all winter long...its getting nicer out, so i'd say a tad higher :) your the "master jedi" compared to me being your 'apprentice' :)

MetroMPG 03-15-2010 06:41 PM

How's it going Mr Tim?

You still thinking of re-filling around the half tank mark?

Daox 03-16-2010 07:01 AM

Nah, I'm going all the way. I ended up using the Paseo a lot last week. I'm now down to just under 1/4 tank. The trip in today showed me 46.5 mpg on the scangauge. I didn't reset when I filled up, so I have no idea what the tank mileage is at.

Daox 03-16-2010 06:18 PM

Well, I decided to fill up on the way home today. It was a warm afternoon and this no EOC stuff is making the coolant fan run more than I'd like. It probably turned on about 6 times on the way home today. Ambient temp is around 57F.

Anyway, the fillup:
421.8 miles
8.9 gallons
47.4 mpg

Not too shabby. I honestly was expecting lower. The scangauge was definitely reading low.

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