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GilRocha 01-15-2017 07:00 AM

Portugal guy with Alfa Romeo
Hello, my name is Gil, i'm from Portugal and i've known this forum for a few years but i never registered until now :)
I have a Alfa Romeo 156 2003 1.6 twin spark :turtle: with LPG. I have always been interested in efficiency in general, and this forum always popped up when i was doing my aerodynamics and driving research :cool:

I'm looking forward to see more of your threads and to learn more about fuel and aerodynamic efficiency :D

Daox 01-15-2017 10:06 AM

Welcome to the site Gil! What kind of mileage are you getting in the Alfa?

GilRocha 01-15-2017 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Daox (Post 532178)
Welcome to the site Gil! What kind of mileage are you getting in the Alfa?

Hello Daox and thank you :)
LPG it's a bit frustrating because it's really hard to get constant values of L/100km, but the average it's around 9.5 L/100 km(i know it's a bit high...)

cRiPpLe_rOoStEr 01-16-2017 01:01 AM

I'm not used to LPG as a motor fuel because here in Brazil it's meant to be a stationary and industrial fuel, and CNG is used for road-legal applications instead. But just to compare, what's the usual fuel-efficiency while operating on gasoline?

GilRocha 01-17-2017 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr (Post 532240)
I'm not used to LPG as a motor fuel because here in Brazil it's meant to be a stationary and industrial fuel, and CNG is used for road-legal applications instead. But just to compare, what's the usual fuel-efficiency while operating on gasoline?

I never did a complete fuel up on gasoline so i only have the on board computer values for comparison. In a Euro trip i did 6.4 l/100km in 3 weeks and 7500km's in the onboard computer, with the LPG system i got a average (on that same trip) of 9.4 l/100km

cRiPpLe_rOoStEr 01-21-2017 11:44 AM

The fuel consumption increase with LPG seems to be higher than with ethanol. Well, considering that sometimes Italian ethanol made out of grape leftovers from wineries is imported here in Brazil to keep the regulatory stocks out of the sugarcane season, it does surprise me that grape-based ethanol didn't become popular in Portugal. I know, most of the leftovers are actually turned into some distillates used to "fortify" the wine like it's done with the world-famous Porto wines and the Spanish Xerez...

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