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Rango318 07-02-2014 11:11 AM

Recording your MPG on the go
I've been looking at a few different fuel logs on here, and have found that many people have had the problem at one point or another of the MPguino losing power and resetting their distance, or someone else resetting the trip meter.

Other than the obvious part of writing it down on a piece of paper, I use 2 different android apps. Both are FREE

The first one I found and use it called Fuel Calculator. The icon looks like a circular fuel door. It works well and I have never had a problem with it.
The upgraded version of that app is called Mileage, and the app icon looks like a black gas pump on a yellow background.

Both apps work well one you get them set up.
Just thought I would try to help some people out

backpacker3 07-02-2014 11:24 AM

I'm working on incorporating a SD card shield into a OBDuino which would save whatever data you want onto a SD card instantly. I'm sure something similar could be done with the mpguino. Plus you could also show the mpg you're getting at certain speeds or RPM too.

Rango318 07-02-2014 11:29 AM

nice. That's exactly what the Torque app on my phone does. $10 bluetooth OBD2 reader and a $5 app

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