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California98Civic 06-18-2011 09:54 PM

Redistributing wear and costs
Hypermiling saves gas, but it saves and costs in other areas differently than ordinary driving techniques. I have noticed I never have to clean brake dust off my wheels any more. Breaks will last longer I guess. But I stress the starter and starter switch more. So I imagine they might need replacement sooner. What other areas of possibly redistributed costs are there?

Christ 06-18-2011 10:32 PM

Some suggest additional clutch wear from bump starting.

Shifter bushings and transmission shift forks from more frequent in/out of gear (p&g)?

Engine mounts from EOC and bump starting?

mnmarcus 06-18-2011 11:59 PM

I wonder about engine wear. My vibe spends a lot of time between 1-2 thousand RPM. Rarely above 3,500. A few years ago I'd take it up to red line pretty often.

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