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backpacker3 07-02-2014 05:39 PM

Thoughts on the Scangauge E.
I'm considering buying one of these that I found for a pretty good price as instrumentation while I'm building my OBDuino. What is the general consensus on it? I know it doesn't have as many features as the scangauge II but it has everything I need just to get basic mpg data. I know that the SG II is sold here and I'd like to support ecomodder but I can't afford the extra cost at the moment especially if I can get this SG E for 30 bucks.

I have a few questions though.

Ive heard the scangauge II can be modified to display extra stuff is that the case with the E as well?

Is there any reason that I shouldn't get the E, like is it less accurate or anything like that?

Thanks for any advice.

Daox 07-02-2014 05:47 PM

For $30, get it, now. :) The SG-E is a great gauge IMO. I did a review on it a while back. Here is the last bit of it:


In conclusion, I don’t think the SGe it is for everyone. But, it’ll be a very good fit for some people, including those looking to save money. You get almost all the features of the ScanGauge-II, but at 2/3rds the price (about $50 savings). That makes the payback much quicker. I think my ScanGauge-II paid for itself quite fast. That makes the ScanGauge-E a no brainer if you’re looking to save money. The other group of people I’d suggest this to would be the more casual ecodrivers out there. Its a nice gauge, gives lots of info and will help increase your mileage. There isn’t too much to look at on the screen; it’s smaller and fits in nooks a bit easier.

All that being said, I wouldn’t recommend the SGe to one specific group of people: the hardcore hypermilers. These folks love info and will use every bit they can get their hands on to increase their mileage. That means needing the 4 gauges up all the time to optimize driving. I also wouldn’t necessarily recommend the ScanGauge-E to hybrid owners. The loss of the X-gauges is a big price to pay for hybrid owners who can gain a lot of functionality through them.

backpacker3 07-02-2014 06:00 PM

Awesome thanks!

backpacker3 07-02-2014 06:42 PM

Also is it possible to get the SG E to read trouble codes? It doesn't have to clear them and i know it doesn't do it from the factory but can I get it to do that?

Daox 07-02-2014 06:55 PM

Yes, it reads and can clear codes. It really has about 90% of the functionality of an SGII.

backpacker3 07-02-2014 09:44 PM

Ok it didn't say that on the website. Good to know.

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