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RandomFact314 07-30-2009 10:49 PM

TomTom MPG Hack
2 Attachment(s)
So take a look at this, I can change the start up screen of my TomTom & I figured I should get rid of my out-dated one (see first picture) & get a new one, I had to doctor up in paint :D (second pic)***You like it right?!*** :thumbup:

Christ 07-30-2009 11:09 PM

Sweet. Definitely sweet.

RandomFact314 07-30-2009 11:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Christ (Post 118692)
Sweet. Definitely sweet.

Right now my Shutting-down screen it this (look at picture) but I think I'm going to change it to just a black screen with like small Ecomodder sign at the top and have it say something like:

Don't Forget to Log:
Fill date
Fill amount
and any details

Christ 07-30-2009 11:34 PM

Gods, I abhor that squirrel.

RandomFact314 07-30-2009 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by Christ (Post 118705)
Gods, I abhor that squirrel.

Why would you hate the Scrat? He is awesome... It's suppose to be there to remind me to bring my GPS with me so no one steals it ^.^

RandomFact314 10-05-2009 03:24 AM

New GPS=Another wallpaper "Hack"
1 Attachment(s)
Ok as some of you guys know, my Tomtom One stopped working a few days ago so I did some research online and figured out the best GPS for me would be the Garming 1350t so I went and spent the $300 for it and have been using it...

I like it a lot, there is a small amount of things I miss that the Tomtom One had that this one doesn't but there are many things that I wanted from the Tomtom that this one has so I'm happy...

Anyways... I HAD to get my ecomodder wallpaper back so I rearranged things and got it on this GPS too :D how ya like it? The first 2 are the gps starting up, the 3ed is to show what the jpeg looks like since the pics are a noisy...

RandomFact314 10-10-2009 04:28 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I dont know why the other pictures did not show up... Try this 1 more time... :o

Cd 10-10-2009 06:43 PM

Have you guys ever had problems with your GPS crapping out on you due to heat ?
After my drive, I would place the GPS in the glove box. Much to my surprise, the thing overheated.
How can this be if todays cars all come with GPS right in the dash ? The GPS is never removed, and gets direct sun.

O.K. back on topic.

RandomFact314 10-11-2009 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Cd (Post 133053)
Have you guys ever had problems with your GPS crapping out on you due to heat ?
After my drive, I would place the GPS in the glove box. Much to my surprise, the thing overheated.
How can this be if todays cars all come with GPS right in the dash ? The GPS is never removed, and gets direct sun.

O.K. back on topic.

My Tomtom broke while in the car when I was using it, I do not know if it was b/c of heat or not but its a possibility...

My new Garmin 1350T has a feature that makes it where if it is a certain heat it will stop recharging (which would make it heat up more) so it stays at a decent temperature (which sounds great right?!? :D) well what is ironic is that all the complaints about the gps are that it does not charge in the car making it useless and people do not know that it has that feature :o I love the irony of that :thumbup:

Cd 10-11-2009 10:48 AM

So how is it that the in dash GPS systems do not overheat ??

When I first saw this posting, I thought that there was a 'hack' to your GPS that acted like a ScanGuage. It sure would be cool if such a thing were possible !

RandomFact314 10-12-2009 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by Cd (Post 133161)
So how is it that the in dash GPS systems do not overheat ??

When I first saw this posting, I thought that there was a 'hack' to your GPS that acted like a ScanGuage. It sure would be cool if such a thing were possible !

My new gps has "ecoroute" which will tell you what it thinks your MPG is after you put in your epa, drive around a lot, calibrate it and then it will tell you. I watched a video of it being compared to a SC2's results, the Garmin got 27.? and the SC2 got like 30.1 the guy said that was close, I think its pretty off but Ill leave that up to you. :)

RandomFact314 10-20-2009 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Cd (Post 133161)
So how is it that the in dash GPS systems do not overheat ??

When I first saw this posting, I thought that there was a 'hack' to your GPS that acted like a ScanGuage. It sure would be cool if such a thing were possible !

Hey I got to thinking about it and my gps has a special feature that stops charging itself if it gas gotten to a certain temp inside the car so it does not get too hot and break,

The ironic part is all the complaints about the gps is that it does not charge in the car, making it useless, they do not know about this great feature integrated

ANYWAYS I was thinking and maybe gps's that are made into the car dont overheat as much as the normal ones are because they do not have a battery that is heating it up more?? :confused: just a guess or possibility

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