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gone-ot 03-21-2012 06:29 PM

What's OLD is NEW again! (new Peel P50 micro car)
...and they're SMALL too (micro-cars)!

World's smallest production car gets a new lease on life

Ecky 03-21-2012 09:55 PM

For $12,000, no thanks. They're crazy. It looks to have a similar drivetrain to what I can get in a scooter for about $750.

Price it at $1500 and you might see a few on the road.

mechman600 03-21-2012 10:44 PM

Everybody must see Jeremy Clarkson's test of the P50 on Top Gear before they die. Classic!

shovel 03-22-2012 12:30 AM

I'm guessing that there are a few people out there for whom $12k isn't significantly different from $1200 (in the same sense that $1.20 and $12 aren't THAT different to me, on a one time purchase) - and that's probably the audience they're aiming at.

These guys are a little over half the price and much sexier, same with scootcoupes and tuk-tuk's..

So I'm not buying any of those things at this point, but I'm happy to see increased interest. Low(er) impact transportation making its way into the wild is always a good thing. :)

gone-ot 03-23-2012 06:21 PM

"...back to the Future..," British-style?

Sven7 03-23-2012 06:37 PM

Only makes sense where it's too rainy to ride a scooter.

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