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restante 02-18-2018 02:07 PM

Where to get new/reconditioned IMA batteries for HCHII in Europe?
Hello guys,

My Honda Civic Hybrid 2007's batteries are pretty worn out and the IMA light is often on. I have a grid charger but it keeps the light away just for a few days so I figured it would be a good time to swap the batteries. For 12v I have a separate charger now that the IMA is dying.

I found both Bumblebee and Greentecauto, but the first doesn't ship to EU and the other isn't very optimal either due to added VAT and quite hefty import fees.

Anyone around here who knows where to get hands to a HCHII battery in Europe, preferably something with a warranty for some time?

S Keith 02-18-2018 07:51 PM

Peter Perkins is in the UK, and he MIGHT be able to help you.

restante 02-21-2018 10:55 AM

Thanks, Keith! I hadn't come across that yet. Looks like it's mostly in UK and possibly for Gen 1 only, but I'll be wiser when I take a closer look at it.

S Keith 02-21-2018 11:37 AM

He's a bit closer to you than the states, and he's very familiar with the HCH2, so he might have alternate solutions even if he can't assist directly.

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